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Tornado Girl

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About Tornado Girl

  • Birthday April 10

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Profile Information

  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    Northern NYS
  • Interests
    Storm Chasing, Astronomy , Hiking, Horseback Riding, Weather,Martial arts, Music, Photography, and Old movies with popcorn

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  1. Beep beep varoom....

  2. I was looking for the green CAPE, wait make that cape!

  3. Yes...most of it is gone ;-)

  4. I agree, The only place of relative safety is being underground. When you're dealing with EF4+. In the deep south many people don't have basements and so they have to take their chances in their home as far away from the outside walls as possible. The decision to try and drive away from a tornado is a very personal one. Several people died in Picher, OK when they drove out of town trying to get away from the tornado.
  5. The warm up will only last three days or so.

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