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Everything posted by WeatherNC

  1. EE rule, lock it up... Dependent on the changeover with meager QPF, feel like I have seen this show before, somewhere.
  2. Funny how the guidance is starting to converge on a middle of the road solution, split between the two extremes we saw this weekend, insanity, I know. Anxiously awaiting the ensuing panic once the slight NW correction sets in inside 48.
  3. I miss a good old fashioned warm punch centered around 900mb, 2-3C will check expectations quickly for those fortunate enough.
  4. Is it too soon to start talking about 850 track?
  5. I am pinning this thread again as we head into the home stretch of what was a train-wreck & subsequent hazmat spill kind on winter. Most are already aware of the posting etiquette, however, some may be new and others may have forgot. I understand the absence of winter weather can be taxing, our SE sub forum is no exception in the hair-pulling/bickering/etc, I assure you it is happening all over. However, the time has come to start clamping down, so consider this a warning. These are some posts from the med-long range thread just from the last few days. Many were reported by our members and deleted, and others were just deleted by staff without a report. This is an example(s) of what not to post in the weather threads, and for the sake of transparency, these were the entire posts, not just an excerpt of what someone wrote. I already have a short list of repeat offenders and if we have another report/have to delete another post they make, pm will be coming after the timeout/limited posting tag is on. Even if you do not think this applies to you, please take a moment to refresh over QC's post top of page 1. We will be dishing out timeouts and limited posting privileges first, answering questions later, warning giveth. Thank you This one is just an excerpt. Any political speech wx-side is a big no-no, violation of board rules. Take it to OT/PR, next time I see/here about it, the person is out for an extended forecast. "do not act like a Republican" http://www.americanw...tion=boardrules
  6. minor in clover farming

  7. Clean out your inbox dude, Iso no messages :(

  8. It will, great job Burger and QC, and everyone else who contributes! We are going to have the winter forecasts up top for a couple more days, but I will tag this one, as well as the etiquette disco so we can pull them out as needed. Been a crazy day, and the night shaping up likewise. I will bust out the Mac tomorrow and do a couple write-ups for this, namely H5 maps (how to read, isohypses, vorticity, pos vs neg tilt troughs, etc) and another on how to use thickness plots to determine dominant precip type, that is unless someone beats me to it. Quick note: I like the idea of Burger putting all this in the first post, helps tremendously when new users click on the thread, it is right in front of them compared to the bottom of page 1, or a couple pages in. Again thank you!
  9. Getting ready to bust caps into deer and rabbits that try to eat my clover!

  10. Just promise us you are not running for Weenie of the Year again. Hopefully the SE does not field a competitive candidate this year, defer the honor to our friends from the north. Back to the etiquette... Members who are hesitant to post because they feel like they may have little to add to the wx discussion, get your feet wet and break the ice in the banter thread. During periods of inactivity the rules are somewhat relaxed, however remember that things you would normally post on a sunny summer afternoon may not be the best thing to post when 1/2 the SE is under a WSW. And lastly, and probably most important, use the report button when you find something objectionable. Odds are others notice it too and if everyone chooses to not do anything, garbage can accumulate and muck up an otherwise active and great discussion quickly.
  11. Must be from NJ, hard to believe a KS weenie would troll like this

  12. Felt it here in Greenville NC, whole house shook, wife was like "Earthquake," I said hell no, should have listened.
  13. Climo supports such as track, as does the topography of the island over the past couple 100 years. Getting a day or two to understand the shift of the sand there, which is unlike any other on the east coast, and maybe heading south? Seems like a safe bet... >10% chance this misses, sorry dude, but once left of 78W without a bionafied front, kind of hard to miss SC/NC, with probs on the latter.

  14. **** U k*** , :)

  15. Nice Car!!! What is that, a Pinto?

  16. you likely passed within 1 mile of my house as we back up to a parcel that boarders 264 heading west of town (G-Vegas) about 7 miles, albeit several thousand feet away from the highway, I can here the seme's in the distance passing when outside. :) Me luv Iso

  17. Wassup Friend...

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