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Everything posted by MDsnowPRO

  1. Serious shift of the low to the west vs Oz. 400 miles give or take?
  2. That’s the end of the road for Rodgers in GB
  3. You’re really showing how triggered you are. You’re letting the troll win with this constantly continuing it on. Take it to banter already.
  4. No. Where the blue meets the yellow would be you best chance for thunder snow
  5. It has but is still a giant nothing bomb. 24” of snow in Charleston and a 966 low off the SC coast ain’t gonna happen. But we can dream right?
  6. fantasy land but it’s pretty cool to look at.
  7. Here we go…..I know most of you addicts stayed up.
  8. Maybe it be a reverse jinx. The thread may turn this trend in the other direction
  9. Wouldn’t we rather it be Suppressed now versus a cutter? Seems like in the final 24 hours before onset, these things seem weird to start to move west. Or does the current high placement not allow that?
  10. It didn’t help I was looking at yesterday’s 12z. *face meet palm*
  11. I must be such a noob that I’m missing something. Euro still looks like a hit to me. Edit nevermind. I’m an idiot.
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