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Everything posted by MDsnowPRO

  1. Please do tell what you’re seeing that’s an improvement
  2. looks like it’s gonna leave a lot of the energy behind again
  3. There’s a banter thread for a reason. Please utilize it while the GFS is running.
  4. what comes up when you google EasternUsWx
  5. Can’t be mad about that. It’s not the jackpot we were angling towards but it’s a respectable storm that might creep into Warning criteria.
  6. True but if Wink wanted to stay, he would have taken the one year deal and worked out a long term next season.
  7. They were the 25th ranked defense and Wink wouldn’t agree to a one year contract extension.
  8. Thanks, but how did you stumble into this low rent establishment?
  9. Scott Norwood. Famous for that kick going “wide right” in the Super Bowl
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