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Everything posted by Anduril

  1. State College looks like its gonna get rocked here in a few minutes
  2. Be careful with those groups. Alot of them are astroturfed political agenda stuff
  3. The world leaders should have reacted far early based upon what was being released by china. the information was all there, our leaders were literally too stupid to act on it. Some countries did and are showing positive results. The ones that didnt (us, italy, spain, uk) are unsurprisingly suffering. This was not an unexpected thing literally our government war gamed against this, our military screamed this was a possibility. This is not china's fault. This is not the worlds fault. This is our countries leadership or utter failing there of's fault. Sadly, the ones who are responsible will never face the blame they should
  4. I don't mean to be *that* guy but it is somewhat disingenuous considering in many cases CV19 deaths are not being documented correctly (aka being listed as pneumonia or heart failure) we're not exactly getting a clear picture as to the death rates associated with CV19. Is it the end of the world? No, but is it a serious situation that is going to impact a large range of people and to downplay it is not in my mind correct. Especially with our current president and ruling party constantly downplaying if not outright lying left and right about it.
  5. As an "essential" manager of an "essential" business I can tell ya some people are certainly respecting the the stay at home orders...many, *many* are not. We're not Florida level bad but its pretty disgusting
  6. So I assume since harrisburg area is still pretty cloud covered and cold that any real chance for a decent thunderstorm is moot for us?
  7. I dont remember what the sun looks like...dont think we're hitting 70
  8. It was dumping buckets on 81N/581E 10mins ago. Even the truckers were slowing down with four ways on. Saw some lightning but didnt hear any thunder
  9. Pretty blustery drive out there right now with whatever front is going through
  10. You couldnt pay me to florida Summer here is bad enough
  11. Said to my wife it had to be lake effect bands with the wind and looking at the radar yes it's ripping in upstate areas
  12. There was a decent burst of snow through camp hill around 615p. Made it almost feel like winter
  13. So uh...whats the best way to remove this frozen shart sleet? Ice melt and then shovel? lol
  14. Looks like the end of the storm has finally made it into western PA
  15. Guess its a good weekend to run out of fuel oil, eh? Not that I'd just discovered this...ahem
  16. Can we just not with this fog? I thought people couldnt drive when it rained but damn
  17. Good lord thats a vomit map. I mean, I guess we have to give them props for finally putting out graphics that are higher resolution than 640x480 but oof
  18. Ironically the wife and I were at Home Depot buying a snow blower as the flurries were dropping. I figured it was a sign
  19. The wind was def blowing weird on the drive up I81. Feels like a spring storm brewing up
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