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Everything posted by southmdwatcher

  1. Near Bryans Road just across the Potomac River there was a CC drop on the last scan.
  2. Southern VA just got a mesoscale discussion with a 60 percent chance of a watch.
  3. Williamsburg down to Norfolk 6 to 10 inches, Norfolk to Va Beach and Chesapeake 9 to 12 inches.
  4. And just as I typed that, visibility has improved markedly. Can see broken cloud layers above now.
  5. Hill on South Pickett Street down to Duke St was caving. I can imagine Duke Street is fine.
  6. Roads are caving in Alexandria...not enough traffic yet.
  7. Parking lot and all vehicles have now been covered on the west end of Alexandria.
  8. There was a small CC drop and a defined couplet for a few scans, right over Short Pump and up to Glen Allen. It has weakened since then.
  9. 8.2 inches,maybe more but compaction was well underway when I measured. Over 21 inches for the season. Hope we can pull another event that spreads the wealth around.
  10. If you ever get to experience one of those 45 minute drives that becomes 8 hours, let alone multiple....get back to me
  11. There were numerous drivers heading INTO Maryland from VA that also gridlocked RT5 on the hills because their Dodge Chargers were spinning out and going forward....this was at 5pm.....The massive traffic mess the day before the January 2016 blizzard ALSO happened this same way....numerous MARYLAND drivers with vehicles and tires that spun out and stalled and trapped numerous others because their vehicles and driving skills were ZERO on the 1 to 10 scale
  12. Sleet and snow now here south of Waldorf, and down to 33 degrees.
  13. BUT, Doctor NO sometimes play Doctor YES. This is what we need to be looking for, and STILL keep that popcorn ready.
  14. That is exactly what happened in Charles County during PD1(79). That storm is also in the upper strata of Mid Atlantic surprise storms, along with January 25, 2000.
  15. Time for more snow and bring on some more severe cold weather!
  16. Damn dude, Raleigh would be plus 1, but use your own glasses...thats one where Greensboro/Winston Salem would be 10 plus degrees colder. On a very long range model. Raleigh is at least 50miles east of that spot. Learn some geography!!
  17. Hope we can pull 2 or 3 more inches this evening. Expecting one inch to low ball expectations. Been a nice event, sitting at just over 10 inches. We did have a 3 to 4 hour lull down here.
  18. As per GREarth the coastal low is down to 997.5 mb about 85 miles northeast of Hatteras. Has been a broad low pressure until the past 2 or 3 hours.
  19. Another 1.5" since the 9am measurement. Up to 10" total and it has compacted somewhat.
  20. After being mainly sleet for about 30 minutes, we are back to moderate to heavy snow with parachutes.
  21. Flipped to mainly sleet with some snow still mixed in.
  22. Just over 8.5 inches with 0.83 liquid. Snow flakes have varied in size over the past hour....darn that dry slot.
  23. Because the local government's have no money
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