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Everything posted by wncsnow

  1. Not negative for NENC and Hampton Roads but mostly everywhere else yes.
  2. Uk says we don't even get an inch lol. We are in trouble with these trends. I bet the Euro gives us a 2 or 3 inches if that.
  3. At H5 the trends are for a weaker shortwave and less interaction with the northern stream. If it weakens too much it will be light snow at best except for maybe NE NC and SE VA with the weak coastal.
  4. I'm afraid we're close to having a weak bunch of nothing if trends continue
  5. Quite the shocking change so far at 00Z. Not liking the trends for western areas
  6. Canadian is cold but a strung out mess... new trend seems to be emerging.
  7. That's been the trend this winter. Systems have trouble staying consolidated once they go past the Mississippi. Euro at 18Z was weaker than 12Z. If 00Z is weaker still it may not be a big system after all
  8. Overall kinda meh. Moving fast so not a lot of precip
  9. Yeah I remember 1993 vaguely and definitely remember 96. The late 80s had some good ones for Marion too.
  10. If @BIG FROSTY posts I know it's going to snow
  11. All I know is there's very few storms where we get more snow then SW NC. Usually only if it's strong CAD but this is not really that. I have seen Jan 2016 as an analog that would make a lot of people happy in the mountains.
  12. When I lived near Danville I saw more snow than Marion most winters I was there. I'm setting the bar for this one at 3 inches. If we get that or more I will call it an OK winter. Less than that and somewhere down east gets a foot then I'm disappointed.
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