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Everything posted by wncsnow

  1. Almost looks like a wave of low pressure develops with that northern stream tugging it north
  2. Exactly. The HRRR isn't bad within 18 hours or so but this is pushing it for sure.
  3. HRRR would have been 3-4 here and 2-3 at least for most of the foothills despite its odd presentation.
  4. It's already the coldest winter in years
  5. I think the Christmas storm had a clean phase and went up the coast bombing out somewhat.
  6. I hope the Euro is on to something and has something similar at 00Z
  7. I love snow I don't usually get snow jealousy when others get more than me (except maybe DC screw them lol) Life has its ups and downs. We all have different backgrounds and beliefs but we all love weather and there are some good people on here. I still remember when my mom died many on here were kind.
  8. My 2 year old has the stomach bug so snow has taken a backseat. I hope he recovers enough to enjoy whatever we get.
  9. The RAP has a low in E TN lol obviously this isn't at good range for a not so great short range model.
  10. If loving snow is wrong, I don't wanna be right!
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