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Everything posted by wncsnow

  1. Yea and the antecedent low water levels helped too
  2. Catawba River up to 12.1 feet but starting to level off. Luckily it hasn't caused too many problems and won't unless it goes over 14. Rain has lessened which has helped but more seems to be organizing on radar in the upstate
  3. I'm at 7.4 inches now with moderate showers off and on. Catawba river is about to surpass its level yesterday, its at 11.18 now in minor flood stage
  4. Dan is gonna go above 25 feet again probably
  5. Almost at 7 inches and radar looks worrisome.. Catawba climbing again to 7.6. I think it gets close to 13 or 14 feet today and maybe a lot worse. I am worried for sure
  6. Yep, it crested at just above 11.5 feet. If it rains like this tomorrow, which seems likely, it could get much much worse
  7. Catawba river rose 6 feet here in less than 4 hours.
  8. Almost to 5 inches, 3 of it in the last 6 hours..
  9. Now Flash Flood warning. Catawba river is going up very quickly
  10. Just got a flood warning, radar looks ugly
  11. We are getting pounded now. Up to 3 inches
  12. Its breezy today almost like a tropical system with sheets of rain
  13. I'm at about 2 inches now as well and its coming down pretty heavy
  14. We have been pretty lucky so far with only .60. The worst of it looks to be tonight until Wednesday.
  15. I think with the low level SE flow the Blue Ridge escarpment will get slammed. 6 to locally 10 inches in places like Brevard up to Caldwell County if the orientation sets up right. Luckily the antecedent conditions have been pretty dry and water levels are low or normal on local streams
  16. Euro shows a deluge and what would be big flooding in the foothills and western piedmont
  17. Yea the Euro has caved and shows up to 4 inches of rain on the escarpment next week.
  18. Euro still shows warm and dry with a slight cool down early next week
  19. It appears this will be the last freeze of the season for the majority of us
  20. That's good. It was 27 here with heavy frost in the foothills
  21. Temp dropped to 27 here in the foothills with a big frost. Hope everyone covered their plants
  22. Anyone else think we could be entering a dry pattern?
  23. Wind is ripping here, more windy than I thought it would be
  24. NWS calling for a low of 42 here tonight but its already 38. I'm guessing it will warm up as clouds move in but could be frost beforehand.
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