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Everything posted by wncsnow

  1. I'm concerned. The banks of the streams are gone now. I don't even know how much rain it will take for it to really flood anymore. It might be harder for it to get up fast since it's widened in most places but it's also taken away any protection from the banks and tree root systems..
  2. C- here. 2.2 inches total. Still haven't verified a warning criteria storm since 2022. Only 1 warning criteria met since 2019. A truly awful stretch for snow.
  3. Another blown forecast today. No way we get to 60. It's 42 and cloudy close to noon.
  4. So those of you in the triangle consider a below average snowfall winter an A or A+? Man yall have forgotten what a true A+ winter is.
  5. Euro still says one last hurrah for the mountains
  6. And yet many still think this is a "good idea" and they "should have replied to the email". This is public safety at stake.
  7. I don't think the current regime cares about protest. The big cuts to the Forest Service, Park Service, etc. and all the pushback on that didn't stop them.
  8. I warned of this a while back on here and many said it would never happen. Well here we are....
  9. NOAA with salt in the wound with this post
  10. Looks like another long stretch of little rain.
  11. flurries and a very light dusting in west AVL.
  12. Wakefield is a good office. They were usually spot on when I lived up there.
  13. What exactly did we do to burn it down? Post model runs? I didn't see any western posters post about hoping you all got nothing. The dry air was real. Places like where @BornAgain13 lives were under a WSW and got very little.
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