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About wncsnow

  • Birthday 09/05/1987

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    Marion, NC

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  1. Got down to 31 with frost. Looks like our dry pattern will be ending next week and we should return to a more normal pattern of rain chances every 5 days or so.
  2. March is often a windy month but I have never seen as many 35+ mph gust days as this year...
  3. When people hear PDS they automatically go to 2011 but 2011 was a generational outbreak and folks get disappointed (yay destruction?) when it fails to match it.
  4. One of the biggest inversions I have ever seen this morning. It was 30 at the house, 38 at the foot of Old Fort Mountain and 55 on top of Old Fort Mountain. So a 17 degree difference in about 3 miles and a 25 degree difference in about 10 miles.
  5. I'm concerned. The banks of the streams are gone now. I don't even know how much rain it will take for it to really flood anymore. It might be harder for it to get up fast since it's widened in most places but it's also taken away any protection from the banks and tree root systems..
  6. C- here. 2.2 inches total. Still haven't verified a warning criteria storm since 2022. Only 1 warning criteria met since 2019. A truly awful stretch for snow.
  7. Another blown forecast today. No way we get to 60. It's 42 and cloudy close to noon.
  8. So those of you in the triangle consider a below average snowfall winter an A or A+? Man yall have forgotten what a true A+ winter is.
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