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Everything posted by vastateofmind

  1. Currently 30.2, with a steady snizzle coming down. Things getting pretty crunchy out there. Though I didn't officially measure, we probably got just over 3" late this morning, but much of it has compacted through the afternoon. Hey....it snowed.
  2. Thanks for the indirect reminder to reinstall mPING app, which I forgot to do a month or so ago for the winter season. BTW, 34.3 with a fine, though steady pixie dust snow falling here for the past 3-4 hours. Haven't been out, so NO idea how much measurable snow has fallen, though eyeballing it, I'm guessing between 2"-3" with some compaction.
  3. Was curious about the measurable rain in these parts overnight, since my gauge broke. I was also ticked last evening as the big storms diverted around (or formed just to east of) SE FfxCo for the umpteenth day in a row. And then I went to bed. Got about a half hour of decent sleep before the light/sound show started in earnest around midnight, and with only a couple of lulls, it didn't really let up until 3:30 or 4 a.m. Haven't had so little sleep due to storms since I can remember...lots of shock-you-awake, rattle-the-house thunder, too. Geez. Last night's performance certainly made up for all of the missed ones in previous days.
  4. One last bit of development in Springfield/Franconia areas just to my west, at the end of the the main line trailing through the District right now. Just had a shower go through, hope to catch at least a rainbow on that last bit's passage overhead. We'll see. 81 degrees out, though...and still a little sticky out.
  5. Same here, for almost two hours now, but...I would've traded my pea-sized hail today for your mammatus clouds.
  6. Can confirm. Here's the backside of that storm heading east, crossing the Potomac. Full sun back out now, back up to 72 after torrential rain over past 15 minutes.
  7. Getting pea sized hail with that just-warned storm moving into SE FfxCo.
  8. My wife is out attempting a fresh veggie run right now, hitting up Kingstowne Giant/Safeway by default. She's tried the Alexandria Wegman's a couple times over the past week, at various times of the day, but it's typically picked over with the added bonus of checkout lines extending halfway back into the store.
  9. Impressive for almost mid-March...at least IMBY.
  10. Yeah, weeds are aggressively early in my front beds this year. A couple of the compacta holly bushes have turned neon-green with new leaf growth all the way around. They don't usually get that look until at least the start of May. This may turn into the longest mowing/trimming season ever.
  11. Agreed. Now, my seasonal allergies and the pollen will kick my arse starting this week and, likely, through mid-May, but the increasingly decent patio weather will be totally worth it.
  12. I'm sincerely sorry for your loss -- we've had dogs die suddenly over the years, and a couple linger on for awhile with extended illnesses, and while any type of loss of our canine friends suck, the sudden ones are the real gut-punches. Also glad to hear you have a "transition" doggo...that helps a bit.
  13. Saw 7 robins at once hopping about the backyard this afternoon, apparently finding and plucking some worms among the mud and new grass.
  14. I thought the same going in -- Busan was edge-of-your-seat the entire movie. Highly recommended, even with the subtitles. Some describe it as Snowpiercer with zombies...though I haven't seen Snowpiercer.
  15. In other news...who saw "Parasite," and if you did, what did you think? My only other exposure to South Korean filmmaking was "Train to Busan" a few years back -- which was a damn good zombie apocalypse flick.
  16. Agreed. Thought about firing up the firepit just before sunset. Good afternoon for it.
  17. It doesn't...skipping breakfast for years in my case pushed me to eating the bad stuff later in day. I sometimes try the 2-meal regimen you outline here (with focus on "better" foods) and have had better luck keeping numbers in check. Still try to make time for a small protein shake or something for breakfast, per doc's wishes...though I'm still not crazy about that.
  18. Temp rebounded to 38, up ~10 degrees from daybreak. Heavy frost in the grass where the sun hasn't touched it yet...love that. Next best thing to snow, this season anyway.
  19. Critical advice here, especially WRT eating breakfast. Doc was on my arse several years ago for skipping breakfast for so many years...which triggered eating habits contributing to pre-diabetes. Don't skip it.
  20. That's great. One of the Alexandria DMVs is closed down for renovation, so the southern FfxCo branches have been overloaded. It's been horrible.
  21. Put the Pixel 4 through its astrophotography paces while camping in French Creek State Park (PA) in early November 2019. Still some light pollution intruding from nearby Philly, but not as bad the D.C. metro area.
  22. A few recent pics of the moon, taken with my Pixel 4...without tripod, unfortunately.
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