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Everything posted by vastateofmind

  1. Perhaps @mattie g is (like myself) wondering why FCPS didn't cancel school last night, for a chilly rain today, as PWC invariably did. Currently 34/30 at Fort Belvoir, with a few pity patches of sleety crystals on mulch beds. Fully anticipating a chilly rain for most of the next 24 hours. MEH.
  2. Yeah, he's cranky...but he usually aims that at the Twatter-based wx "hobbyists" who are more concerned about hyping models showing the most digital snow than anything else. I rather enjoy reading and occasionally learning from his long blog entries, at least as much as I do by haunting these forums. And honestly...while I'm typically pulling for snow/ice, I'm selfishly hoping for ONLY an "icy-to-rain mix" on Wed AM, as we'll be trying to get out of DCA on a 10 a.m. flight to see our oldest be commissioned out of Army OCS at Fort Benning, GA on Thursday.
  3. Follow you on Twitter...love your work. Thank you for regularly sharing!
  4. Can confirm. Had -SN for past 45 minutes but back to moderate now in SE FfxCo. Really nice event.
  5. 24/14. Haven't been out, but looks to be between .5" and .75" -- shot this video 30 min ago, just before moderate snow came through. Back to -SN now.
  6. No squalls for you, Fort Belvoir...although, given that we got 10" of snow about two weeks ago and our friends north of the Beltway didn't, I can't bitch. It appears that today's squall line started to break apart once it hit the District and points south...I did snag the pic below looking southeast from the steps of my work building, of what appears to be the remnant backside of a dissipating snow shower. Impressive temp changes, though -- on the reporting station nearest my home in Kingstowne/Hayfield, went from a high of 36.3 degrees at 1:19 p.m. to 27.5 by 1:54 p.m.
  7. Paging @Mrs.J? And can you snag more awesome pics during this mini-event, plz?
  8. Yeah. You seem to be lightly ribbed for making light of FPCS's head-scratchingly ludicrous calls to cancel school, but you're spot-on. Also, it appears (according to following linky) that FCPS has allotted essentially 21 days for cancellations, with one April day to be "considered" as a make-up day. This district is a joke: https://www.fcps.edu/news-and-calendars/calendars-and-events/make-days Back to regularly scheduled programming -- currently 30/14, with winds 10-15 mph at Fort Belvoir. Woke up to a temp of 18 over in Hayfield Farm at 6 a.m. -- perhaps ~.25" on ground at home, but nothing stuck here on post at Belvoir. Hoping for some squall-age later.
  9. Oh, @Scraff...I love when you post your beer porn.
  10. Can confirm timing/conditions on all the above...currently 33/31, air temp dropped from 37 at 3 p.m. hour (when I left Fort Belvoir). Oh, and it's doing this:
  11. Yes, but -- your "middle ground" approach is appreciated, as well as your willingness to concede potential errors in your previous judgments and/or predictions. Without errors or mistakes identified...I don't learn. I don't hold anybody to their predictions...we're all aware of how difficult it can be to achieve any snow here at times. I'm still learning to see how all of the moving pieces of the atmospheric machinery interact to produce conditions conducive to colder/snowier winter wx (which, I think most of us want to some degree). You, @Bob Chill, @showmethesnow have broken down the long range discussions SO well in step-by-step fashion, particularly over the past three months...so thanks for that. And thanks for going out on a limb for longer-range predictions. It helps me a lot.
  12. FWIW, LWX added another potential 1" for SE FfxCo on this graphic, since early this A.M.
  13. I've improved my LR model reading & comprehension skills a bit by reading Cranky's long-ish missives over the past year or so. His blog entries are not always as step-by-step/detailed as @showmethesnow or @psuhoffman, and he can indeed get cantankerous and throw shade at the Twitter-based wx hypemasters, but on the whole, I've learned from his discussions. I've got a long way to go.
  14. A purely unofficial obs, but I did stumble up out of the LR easy chair between 3:30-4 a.m. today to drag myself up to bed, and saw when glancing at the thermometer on my way that the temp IMBY had risen to 53 degrees. I rolled out about 9 a.m., and it was back down to 40 degrees, and is now 35/19. Though we're under a wind advisory, wind gusts haven't been that bad...perhaps up to 40 mph, and ~15-20 sustained.
  15. Just checking in after being out most of the evening....what are conditions at your MD place right now?
  16. So, which specific areas in our region do you think could see thunder-frozen? Probably my favorite meteorological phenom of all time.
  17. I personally hope y'all get a thump of some sort out of this sh*tshow coming over the next two days...you (and the Mason Dixon line folks) deserve it, especially after we in the VA 'burbs south of the District bull-ishly cashed in with 8"-10" of snow last weekend.
  18. Currently 37/32 here. The 1.2"-1.5" that fell overnight has long melted away, but we still have about 2/3 of the snowpack from last weekend on the ground here, which means ~2"-3" where it still exists. Interesting that forecast called for temps in low-mid 40s today, but we're just not getting there...probably has no impact on what happens tomorrow/Sunday (especially here in NoVA), but...interesting. So, @mappy, just what DO you have on the ground at home in terms of snow? I've caught spotty updates in several topics over past 1-2 days, but still don't have a clear picture on what white stuff (if any) is actually on the ground in your area, on over to @psuhoffman-land after last weekend and last evening.
  19. Troegs = one of my fave microbreweries in the NE. Also, flurries just starting; also need to enter into mPING.
  20. I feel ya, brother. I'm always futzing with the pic size to get it down to manageable posting size here. All good. BTW, 35/24 here in SE FFxCo, with radar-indicated flakes appearing to be arriving within the hour (or so).
  21. I thought about asking @clskinsfan for a pic or two from his Jebwalk...but when you replied, I was more tempted to ask you, @Scraff, for an updated pic of your fridge contents this evening.
  22. Preach. I was caught in a much more localized version of the Feb 12, 2008 debacle, commuting from Fort Belvoir to my home a mere six miles away -- a normally 20-min trip that turned into a four-hour slog that afternoon. It was only a light snow dropping 1-2" (that I recall), but which created a thin scrum of roadway ice, with cars spinning/bailing out in every direction every few minutes, causing most roads on or around post to randomly close down every 10-20 min on a temp/perm basis. It was a continual battle of wits, to constantly re-think and re-route the escape strategy from Belvoir that afternoon. Hands-down worst commute ever...and reason enough to consider leaving earlier today if indeed flakes arrive earlier, and especially now that we're under a WWA.
  23. I typically come here to lurk for the excellent wx analysis...but of course, I always enjoy the Freudian slips, too. EDIT: 'd by @stormtracker
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