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Everything posted by vastateofmind

  1. Totally agree on the Jebwalks, especially during snowfall after sundown. There is something really special, too, about how much quieter it is when the snow is falling.
  2. Yep, it's a heretical worldview WRT snow. But I do still enjoy the chase.
  3. Curious -- has anyone's love of MECS/HECS/BECS waned as they get older? I've lived in the area for 30+ years, and as many have documented , we've had some great snowstorms (ice storms, too) in the metro area in that timeframe. When snowstorms of any magnitude have NOT materialized after a week or two of tracking, I've had my own (non-public) meltdowns. I've always enjoyed the tracking and LOVE when the snow's coming down...but I'm definitely tiring of the aftermath (shoveling, melting, refreezing, etc.) The last "huge" snowstorms that we had in 2016 (coincidentally, the year I turned 50) were awesome. But as one of the first times that the usual cleanup crew (the kids) were gone from the nest, cleaning up after those storms took it out of my wife and I, and I found myself thinking for the first time, "This is too much snow." Heresy. Anyway. half of me loves to read all of the tracking and model discussion here each year...but if a real threat materializes, the other half of me now is like, "Ugh, can we please keep it to a manageable 2-4"?" Weird...and a little sad.
  4. Well played, good sir -- perhaps literally.
  5. Shocked to wake up and find .5" everywhere. Currently 29.
  6. 34, w/ ~.5" on grassy areas/mulch. Had -SN for past 45 minutes but picking back up.
  7. Down to 34...this transpired by 3:05, around 15 minutes after the switchover, and it's whitened considerably even since then...and still coming down as hard.
  8. You must be nearly ready to switch...I just went to all snow within the past five minutes and am just a couple miles to your SW.
  9. Moderate rain just starting to mix with visible flakes. 37.
  10. Leaves started dropping from trees surrounding my house about 3-4 weeks ago and the rate steadily increases. I initially thought it was due to the July heatwave and stress introduced by drier weather, but have noticed a bit more color in the leaves within the last week, both those still on trees and which continue to fall. Don't remember any color starting quite this early in recent years. Early start on autumn?
  11. Totally thought this would be a non-event in our part of the sub, but it's been snowing at this rate since 2:30-3 p.m. Personally, I'm ready for the coming warmup....but in the meantime, for those of you who were rooting for this, enjoy.
  12. Assuming you still want to remain in U.S., maybe western NY? Vermont? @das has shared some great pics from VT this winter.
  13. On your recommendation...I may re-try the "Heineken Zero." I don't usually keep that much craft beer around in bottles/cans, but do enjoy the "build your own six pack" option from Wegmans on a weekly basis. We also tend to keep one or two growlers of the "good stuff" from several nearby microbreweries. Again...so many good beers to try, so few brain cells left to sacrifice.
  14. So many BB stouts, so little time...Wegmans seems to offer up a new one every couple weeks, and I'm losing count. I've noticed, too, that Weggys is carrying more red wine aged in bourbon barrels, and even saw a white wine aged in tequila barrel. New and interesting ways to hasten/complicate the weekend buzz. Heineken, though...UGH. I know it's a go-to, everyday beer for many, but it's always been pretty skunky to my taste buds and nose.
  15. I used to turn off the outside water spigots...and just got lazy about it for the past five years or so, since we typically only get a few sub-20 degree nights in any given "winter" in NoVA.
  16. Anything is made bearable, nay spit-your-soda-through-your-nose funny, by viewing through the filter of MST3K...
  17. I don't mind the warmer temps and humidity as I grow older, and in fact, have come to prefer it (no matter how uncomfortable it is) as I get chilled to the bone very easily now. I have noticed during the past week that the "feel" of allergies in my nose and sinuses is starting, even if we haven't had an outbreak of full-on spring weather...and the songbirds are increasingly kicking up their noise at sunrise. Visited Fort Benning, GA last week, and they're several weeks to a month ahead of us on new growth, trees budding, etc. Even though it'll be pretty cold this week...I think that pollen/allergy season is very close here. :|
  18. Honestly...we're close enough now that I'm starting to look forward to severe season. Also -- currently 37/33, w/ light rain.
  19. Didn't know TJ's had/made a beer, but have added to the "list." Myself, am working a Three Notch'd S'mores porter right now...pretty dang good.
  20. Yeah. LMAO at the "y'all need to chill cuz it hasn't started yet" shills, when it's been snowing for most folks N/W of you for the past several hours.
  21. 41/32. Light rain w/ (surprisingly) some sleet.
  22. Always interesting to note the differences between your obs and those from @clskinsfan...given that y'all aren't that far from one another. You could certainly use a decent snow for a change.
  23. What is your elevation like compared to where PSUH is at?
  24. 44/31. Sprinkles w/ a couple ice pellets occasionally mixing in.
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