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Everything posted by vastateofmind

  1. Same. You made an interesting comment yesterday, though, either in this thread or another...about being willing to trade your snow for tstorms. I couldn't tell if you meant you enjoy the snow more than severe wx, or the reverse...though I suspect you meant the former. You've certainly had your share of severe thunderstorms, including nearby tornado threats, up your way in recent years...at times, I gauge when such storms are going to hit here in NoVA, based on your reports and others from Frederick area.
  2. Considering I've long since moved beyond panic/angst, to being emotionally dead after years' worth of whiffs here -- maybe you can offer me a different kind of safe space?
  3. Currently 30/19, had a dusting overnight.
  4. Which, coincidentally, isn't far from Blue Ball and Paradise in PA.
  5. Radarscope? I've got to step up my mobile radar app game before severe season hits this year. Also, currently 34/33.
  6. Yep. Just got the alert on my phone. Interesting.
  7. Short Pump: This week's epicenter of double entendres and model-hugging forecasts. Good luck tonight!
  8. Really glad to hear this...you and folks near you needed this. Currently 34/35...drizzle and a couple snowflakes.
  9. I empathize with your pain. Writing was on the wall midday yesterday, though I held out hope when the show started with sleet last night. But I knew when I woke up today it would be all, womp-womp. I'm just kinda dead to the shutouts anymore. But, to honor @WinterWxLuvr's request regarding pics-with-sticks earlier in the week, thought I'd include this -- sorry, it's definitely unofficial, as I forgot to get out the snowboard last night. Also of interest -- the remaining snow pack IMBY (lower left). Currently 35/34...and in an act of cruelty, Mother Nature just started mixing in a few mangled flakes with the drizzle.
  10. 34/32, snow. Nothing accumulating yet.
  11. 41/29. VERY light rain/sleet/snow mix.
  12. I THINK it came from when DT was putting the jack zone from Richmond through Short Pump to CHO yesterday or the day before...
  13. This little slice of heaven showed up in my Google Photos "On this day 10 years ago" memory section this morning -- as I recall, this second storm coming on the heels of the previous week's storm back then put us at just under 2 feet.
  14. Is it bad that I'm having impure thoughts this morning about the not-too-distant severe season?
  15. Sadly, and (nearly always) verifiably true.
  16. I hear/feel what you're saying here and I often used to feel that way. USED to. I started sniffing around here to learn/watch/listen over a decade ago...actually just before the big back-to-back storms in February ten years ago this week. I used to get so pissed when snow didn't work out for my neck of the woods...which was before I learned to understand my climo a lot better. I learned to accept that snow-to-rain events (and often, flat-out shutouts) are a fact of winter life in southeastern FfxCo, and just appreciate whatever we get whenever it comes. We've had a few good hits over the years...but generally the northern crew enjoys those on a far more regular basis. Learning the whole model-watch drill is fun...but I also know that I'm not often going to get warning level snow where I live. And that's fine. Accepting that helps me forgo the the needless emotion that can be poured into this hobby.
  17. Your cooking pictures are, and always have been, on point. When I was growing up I had an aunt who was fond of making aspic-based dishes with veggies and meat, sometimes even seafood, when we'd visit her. It was the stuff of nightmares.
  18. The narration was priceless. I want that dude to give me a voice-over on an episode of Dr. Pimple Popper...
  19. My wife has been buying a new-to-us brand of Greek yogurt called Siggi's -- key lime is damn good, as well as their vanilla/cinnamon mixed berry flavors. It's pretty thick, though.
  20. Glad I didn't Google that on the work lappy....
  21. Yep, the Batman-slapping-Robin meme from a couple screens back instantly sprang to mind...
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