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Everything posted by vastateofmind

  1. Saw 7 robins at once hopping about the backyard this afternoon, apparently finding and plucking some worms among the mud and new grass.
  2. I thought the same going in -- Busan was edge-of-your-seat the entire movie. Highly recommended, even with the subtitles. Some describe it as Snowpiercer with zombies...though I haven't seen Snowpiercer.
  3. In other news...who saw "Parasite," and if you did, what did you think? My only other exposure to South Korean filmmaking was "Train to Busan" a few years back -- which was a damn good zombie apocalypse flick.
  4. Agreed. Thought about firing up the firepit just before sunset. Good afternoon for it.
  5. It doesn't...skipping breakfast for years in my case pushed me to eating the bad stuff later in day. I sometimes try the 2-meal regimen you outline here (with focus on "better" foods) and have had better luck keeping numbers in check. Still try to make time for a small protein shake or something for breakfast, per doc's wishes...though I'm still not crazy about that.
  6. Temp rebounded to 38, up ~10 degrees from daybreak. Heavy frost in the grass where the sun hasn't touched it yet...love that. Next best thing to snow, this season anyway.
  7. Critical advice here, especially WRT eating breakfast. Doc was on my arse several years ago for skipping breakfast for so many years...which triggered eating habits contributing to pre-diabetes. Don't skip it.
  8. That's great. One of the Alexandria DMVs is closed down for renovation, so the southern FfxCo branches have been overloaded. It's been horrible.
  9. Put the Pixel 4 through its astrophotography paces while camping in French Creek State Park (PA) in early November 2019. Still some light pollution intruding from nearby Philly, but not as bad the D.C. metro area.
  10. A few recent pics of the moon, taken with my Pixel 4...without tripod, unfortunately.
  11. Good luck, sincerely. The line was nearly 50 people deep, 45 minutes BEFORE the doors opened a few days ago.
  12. I'm with you; had those same convos early on with my own two. My last obs was focused on NFL marketing and not the manufactured SB halftime brouhaha, which apparently required some soft moderation. So...I"ve "moved along."
  13. Yeah, no. "We’ve been laser-focused for the last five years trying to connect kids to the NFL.” - Peter O'Relly, Former NFL VP of Fan Strategy & Marketing https://commercialfreechildhood.org/wp-content/uploads/archive/outofbounds.pdf https://highline.huffingtonpost.com/articles/en/nfl-football-moms-kids/ https://playfootball.nfl.com/ http://www.nfl.com/play60 I don't give a crap about whether someone was offended by the halftime show; if you want to protect your younger kids from that, just turn it off until the game comes back on. But @jaydreb's point stands.
  14. When my two 6'+ sons in their early and mid 20s start to "feeling their oats," poking at my dad-bod, or mocking my dad-jokes, I casually remind them (usually in front of their friends/girlfriends) that they both had Teletubbie dolls when they were toddlers.
  15. Hopefully you're trotting that tale out when he brings his girlfriend/SO/spouse around...
  16. Shakira can go right on doing that until the end of time... #NoComplaintsHere
  17. Until you mentioned it, I was struggling to remember who played last year's halftime show...and I vaguely recall some dust-up about Adam Levine disrobing at the time? I do remember Maroon 5 being mostly underwhelming last year. Music was good last night...I expected the costumes and dance moves that we got, because, well...Shakira & JLo. I've always preferred the former to the latter over the years...but both did well last night (charges of apparent S&M regalia notwithstanding). Honestly, I don't always pay much attention to halftime, because the quality of the shows is so variable...or I just don't give a crap about some of the artists. Some of the standouts over the past 15-20 years (IMHO) include Prince, Katy Perry, Bruno Mars, Lady Gaga and The Who. Not a huge fan of every one of those artists...but they put on awesome shows. On a related note, this year's crop of SB commercials was mostly forgettable...however, the Rocket Mortgage commercial w/ Jason Momoa "stripping" off his biceps and chest gave me the heebs, kinda like the "PuppyMonkeyBaby" Mountain Dew commercial from a few years back did.
  18. Wondered if the whole Carvana thing was legit. Now -- did they A. give you several giant coins, and are you B. taking your giant coins to go to the Carvana mothership to put into the giant vending machine and choose your new car?
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