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Everything posted by vastateofmind

  1. Things I Need To Work On Today: Ignoring numerous obs per hour from Union Bridge members Ignoring posts from Union Bridge members sharing their extended family/friends' obs (who may or may not live outside the sub's reach) Ignoring posts from Union Bridge members predicting what the conditions are going to be like in other sub members' locations
  2. I was half asleep reading the AmWx version of GoodFellas and laughing until it hit me, "This dude thinks Randy really means what he's quoting from GF." Then it became a surreal, downhill-fast ride. I think @North Balti Zen chalked the poster in question up to intentionally dense vs. societal failure? I'm going with the latter.
  3. 28/23, sleet. Received ~1" of snow thus far.
  4. It's a dirty job but someone's gotta do it...
  5. Again, I'm not typically a fruity-beer dude, but that strawberry/pomegranate sour ale sounds intriguing.
  6. More good news! Seems the Baltimore 'burbs have got more going on with regard to breweries than our corner of Fairfax County lately. I think it's time to switch up our typical Loudoun County brewery day-trips and head north into MD for a change. PRO: Getting the hell out of the close-in NoVA 'burbs for the day CON: Having to drive back from BaltCo / HoCo / AACo after having one, two, maybe even three 8.0+ ABV IPAs (over the course of an afternoon)
  7. Thank you for the heads-up, and we will definitely check that out! Saw you and @mappy discussing Pasadena area a few minutes ago, and it brought up such great memories that we made with an older couple my wife and I befriended through one of my jobs many years ago. They had a modest house a mile or so off Mountain Road, and probably a mile or two beyond CHS, just a couple minutes' walk from the Magothy River. We always loved taking day trips to visit them, because it was almost like a mini-vacation from our location in the over-packed, close-in NoVA 'burbs. They've both passed on in recent years...but a new brewery is ALWAYS a good reason to take a trip out Route 100.
  8. St. Mary's has a beautiful campus. My oldest son had it on his consideration list as a lacrosse school back in the early 2010s, but honestly...I don't think he would've been smart enough to hang there. Good luck in your continued search, though...this is a really fun time to watch teenagers to spread their wings a bit.
  9. K, just cracked open an IPA and took a swallow, then nearly covered the keyboard with it after reading that.
  10. Mystery IPA! But based on the kind of goods that @Scraff lucks into...and the kind of beers you Baltimore folks typically have access to, I'd definitely take my chances.
  11. I enjoy your puns (any puns, really), but get the biggest kick out of your profile name. I am a chess fan (though generally suck at playing), but after having taken German for six years in middle/high schools, I used to try to find the hardest words to say in German. I think "zugzwang" has claimed that trophy. Zugzwang | Definition of Zugzwang at Dictionary.com
  12. Thunder is a handsome guy -- thanks for sharing this, too. We've adopted mostly Labs or Lab mixes over the past 20 years, but I'm not picky...I love all dogs (cats, too). I'm always that guy out in public, walking up to strangers walking their dogs on leads and asking, "Do you mind if I introduce myself to your dog??"
  13. Thanks for this -- they're gorgeous. We usually try to adopt, too, because...well, there's so many doggos who need rescued. Since I've teleworked full time for a year (and will likely stay in that mode permanently), we're thinking about adopting a second "transition" dog for our current six-year old Lab.
  14. Dogs? A PUPPY? Care to share your dog pic, muddy or not? Dog pics make everything better.
  15. Currently 39/16. A few degrees over forecasted high today, although, even in the sun it feels brisk out.
  16. Indeed. And @mappy also offered a subtle admonishment there to temper the "CRUSH JOB IMBY!" glee that will, I'm sure, land on deaf ears.
  17. If it's white and it's frozen....I'll take it, here in the snow anus.
  18. Y'all live in as-close-to-heaven in VA/WV area as you can get. After numerous brewery crawls along Rt. 7 between Leesburg/Winchester over the years, we briefly considered an eventual retirement move to Winchester area, but I can't take the cold like I used to...which sucks, because I've always preferred to be in the mountains. We'll likely head south to one of the Carolinas in a few years (where, apparently, our snow chances are better anyhow), but I've fallen in love with the location of DeckPic's rental after seeing his recent pics, and want to take some weekend trips to that corner of WV before we leave for good.
  19. 23 was low, now up to 25/11. Stunning sunrise.
  20. I'm usually the one eating the leftover lemon Starburst out of the communal office candy jar. They're good. My favorite (which I haven't seen in awhile) are strawberry banana.
  21. Yes -- you picked up similar cloud formations just above the treeline in your pic. I tried to catch the mammatus-like clouds (center right) trailing the edge of the front as it was passing through two hours ago. Just felt odd to me...like I said, I usually notice these sorts of formations when we have squall lines going through in warmer weather.
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