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Everything posted by vastateofmind

  1. So, I'm perfectly happy with that forecasted rain in my very dry corner of SE FfxCo...and even happier that the Valley is forecasted to get even more, because they desperately need it more than us!
  2. Y'all in western MD this weekend? Radar definitely looking spicier there right now... STW just issued here.
  3. Surprisingly, got up to 102 IMBY about three hours ago..."down" to about 92 right now. Today was a hot one, no doubt.
  4. I know, right? And then "POOF!" so quickly on radar! Man, thought for sure those storms would nick us again today, but nope. I can't bitch, we got a good rain the past couple of days.
  5. We've gotten smacked with at least 30-60 min of heavy rain over each of the past three days...to the tune of .08" within that time period. Of course, we're TRYING to get some sealing on our patio to dry in that timeframe...so accordingly, IT'S BEEN RAINING EACH AFTERNOON. Good Lord. Currently 88/70...with dark clouds and thunder to the north and STW all around us, but while we cleaned up during a good shower around lunchtime today, I think we're gonna miss out on this round.
  6. Ohhh...never, my friend. That wasn't meant as a negative. You are one of the folks who's made me LOL on this forum on a regular basis than many others over the past 10-15 years.
  7. Nine feet TALL! And WIDE!! Damn... Currently 82 IMBY as well...lot more humid today.
  8. I appreciate the link to a squirrel-proof feeder...I've wanted to mount a bird feeder in recent years, but the damn yard rats are LEGION around our house, and they ruin the whole birding experience (short of me siccing the dog on them OR pulling out my BB gun).
  9. Yes, but more to the point...how are the...ummmmm..."crops" doing?
  10. Yes, I hate them, too...little bastards have chewed the crap out of wiring and insulation in our vehicle's engine boxes several times in recent years during colder weather. I have no trouble siccing the dog on them regularly. I will say, though...I've never seen them go after a tomato or other garden veggies. That's interesting. We have a family of BLACK squirrels that roam around my building here at work on Fort Belvoir, for a couple years now...have never before or seen that color/variety.
  11. Yeah, probably like they did LAST week. I'll believe it if/when I see it.
  12. My condolences on those outside stairs...there are a TON of homes in our subdivision (built nearly 60 years ago) that suffer from so many clogging and backup issues, including us in the past. Being surrounded by mature oaks and maples doesn't help. I've had a new drain pan installed in our half-basement stairs, then covered the grill over THAT with a fine mesh, which has helped...but I'm always on patrol when it rains.
  13. 70/61. Feels a bit more refreshing out there this A.M. Picked up .28" since this time yesterday from a midday gully-washer passing through.
  14. And we've been dumped on, in seemingly random ways as well. And yeah, the grass and plantings are testifying...it's completely frustrating. :/
  15. You (and your wife? Can't remember!) as team reps are some of the few exceptions I've read about in NVSL in recent years, when it comes to trying to keep everything on an even keel in terms of competition, fun, fulfillment. It's not an easy balance. But those kinds of team reps are a rare thing these days in NVSL. I tip my hat to you and yours, AND to your pool team...and certainly wish you all continue to "move up the ladder"...and to remain competitive!! Bottom line, I never served as a team rep, my wife did for a few years...I was a deck official in several roles...but I never wanted a kid to feel so dejected, or left behind, that they couldn't hang with the team. And I think that's what we ALL want at the end of the day in NVSL.
  16. Glad to hear you all had such a successful season. The (potentially negative) other side of that coin, is exactly what you've postulated and what you're nervous about -- that your team will be a "victim" of your success, that you get moved up 1-3 divisions, and then get spanked in some or most summer competitions, thereby knocking down and/or demoralizing swimmers who are really trying hard...and then you STAY in your division, or start making your trip "back down the division ladder." I don't mean to rain on your parade...but it's inevitable, and one of the reasons I hated the NVSL, from this vantage point. On the other hand, I don't know how (or if) the system can be fixed. I've been on BOTH sides of that coin. Lately, our neighborhood pool (which we haven't been back to since our sons stopped swimming) continues their drop to the "bottom" of the NVSL divisions...after being in "the middle" of the NVSL divisions a decade or more ago. It's really NOT about being a member of the Tuckahoe or Overlee or McLean teams...and to those of you who might be part of those summer clubs, fine. I just don't want MY kids competing for blood at THAT level in NVSL Divisions 1/2. And trust me, that's not sour grapes. My youngest son competed with all NVSL swimmers, all VHSL swimmers, NCAP swimmers, and a fair amount of swimmers on a national level (and he still holds records against the top 50-100 swimmers in all of those realms, a decade-plus on). But it's not just about him. All I EVER wanted for both of our sons...and for EVERY kid at our neighborhood pool...was to have a fighting chance to swim their best, and just maybe, make a record. And have a moment in the limelight. They all deserve that. My youngest was flying high right up until his senior year of swimming at VHSL states...when he was already accepted at a couple D2 schools with scholarships at that point...when he came to us in tears and told his mother and I, he just couldn't swim anymore. Period. And he hasn't been in the pool since then. THAT makes me sick to my stomach still to this day. While he chose those levels of competition since he was in late elementary school, and we tried to support him throughout...it burnt him out somewhat early, and badly. What could WE have done to avoid that?? What I never want to see...and what I'll do everything in my power to avoid...is ANY swimmer within my influence reaching that point. Bringing this back around to your OP...the NVSL used to be about casual summer competition, but it's become like any other level of blood sport competition in our society. And that's not good.
  17. That is STUNNING, TY for sharing! We have two large butterfly bushes in front of our home, which have been attracting a wide variety of small to large moths and butterflies, including a LOT of early monarch butterflies this year. Lots of stunning displays. Just caught this monarch a couple days ago on said bushes...
  18. I have no idea (and perhaps I should dump this over in the MA gardening thread) but...are potatoes hard to grow? You had half soaked, and half dried out taters? Dear Lord. Maybe they're too hard to grow in VA...or at least in times of drought.
  19. Picked up .04" in past three hours. Woooo. Currently 75/70. Still thick out.
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