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Everything posted by vastateofmind

  1. Got to a high of 34 mid afternoon, down to 31 now. The wind was surprisingly strong most of the day, and while it's backed off some, still gusty. But the sun made a reappearance today, so there's that.
  2. The redundant safety protocols they build into modern airliners is mind-blowing and, at the end of the day, a genuine comfort. Those engines are a technical marvel. I readily admit that, based on statistics alone, mine is a completely irrational fear. I know in my head that these redundant aviation safety systems exist...and yet, I still get tense enough on takeoffs and landings that I could rip the armrests out of the seats. I flew back and forth across the continent on a monthly basis, for work in my 20s and 30s...and if anything, I'm worse now than even back then.
  3. Holy schnitzkes, indeed. Even after decades of flying, I'm still a white-knuckle flier (honestly, an irrational fear in this day and age), so this is nightmare fuel to me. My first thought seeing the pic of the dropped engine cowling in the front yard that @CAPE put up a couple posts back was, "Thank God it didn't hit the house OR the RV in that front yard!" Upon seeing some of these additional pics/videos, I'm more soberly thinking THANK GOD this rig landed safely at Denver. Dear God....
  4. The mrs. and I have nearly dropped that 120 min IPA in our cart at Weggys several times over the past six months, trying to justify the extra cost (vs. getting a SIX-pack of one of the dozens of proven IPAs we can can get there). But -- you've pushed me over the edge, and since she's making a run tonight, I'm going to tell her to bite the bullet on the 120.
  5. Wrote down the names of at least 6-7 decent sounding IPAs that flowed through here at happy hour (ish) last evening...thanks y'all.
  6. Had a lot of college friends from the Philly, south Jersey (even northern MD) areas. Spent my first 20 years growing up in PA, and now 30+ years in VA...yet even after all this time, the latter still doesn't feel like "home" as much as the former. I guess those initial roots never die out.
  7. No offense here, you won't get an argument out of me...although in fairness I've visited many parts of the close-in MD 'burbs that also perfectly match your description. Welcome to Megalopolis.
  8. You've been Harvey for time immemorial. That is a sea change.
  9. Just looked up THAT beer. Wow, you guys are indeed enjoying one helluva happy hour...good stuff.
  10. Yeah, you'd probably look at it now and find it a little cringe-y, in terms of story lines and animation quality...but seven-year old me loved the goofy stories, plus it was a great gateway drug to their music, which was (and remains) unparalleled. I remember standing in front of the TV, trying to dance like Marlon, Jackie & Michael do in the cartoon. Probably a little weird...but certainly no worse than the typical crap you see on TikTok today.
  11. I'm going to date myself...but this was one of my all-time fave cartoons as a kid.
  12. Ooooh, baby....love bocks. Especially high ABV ones.
  13. Tough call...faced the same decision two hours ago. I'd say about 75% of what we cleared was mostly pavement, 25% was still death-defying ice underneath that wasn't coming up. So, yeah -- I'd probably recommend clearing what you can, because it's going down to the high 20s tonight in our part of the area.
  14. Is there a nice sheen to the fresh snow out there? Bet it's gorgeous. Currently 32/26, overcast. A bit of melting going on, but not bad.
  15. I remember reading this last summer -- and couldn't then, and still can't, imagine that level of loss. I'm so sorry. However -- well, well done on your running achievements! My running days are long behind me, but I miss that particular form of exercise -- and I love to hear success stories like this. Good on you!
  16. Damn, man...those Icicles of Doom coming off the side of your house. One of those decides to let fly while someone is walking by, and it's gonna be a recreation of that "stinger to the head" scene from Starship Troopers...
  17. Your location is just across the river and just slightly southeast of my own in SE FfxCo, so I pay close attention to your obs a lot.
  18. We probably have .5" to .75" here, even on paved surfaces. I've seen a few in the sub mention shoveling already, but I'm wondering if I should get out there to clear the sidewalks/driveway. A couple next-door neighbors are out there making me feel guilty.
  19. Irony so thick, you need a chainsaw to slice through it...
  20. I was really glad when you put up the severe tracking thread a week or so ago -- severe season has become as fun to me as tracking the winter stuff, maybe even moreso, as the lead-up to tracking severe events can be a bit more abbreviated, with less likelihood of a complete shutout.
  21. 29/24, vacillating between +PL and PL/-SN mix. Have just never seen a sleet-o-rama like this before.
  22. I'm trying to finish up grades for current term and spending too much time in banter/obs for this storm. A student just asked for a grade status, which is a tad embarrassing.
  23. 29/20, ++PL -- amazing to see the rates on this sleet right now.
  24. Agreed. At least there's a new coating of white out there, especially on the trees. I half-expected this outcome but I'm not gonna deb over fresh frozen. EDIT: The ++PL that just moved in is SO heavy, it's scouring snow accums off of trees and cars. WOW.
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