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Everything posted by vastateofmind

  1. I mean, I'll settle for my week of two minor-ish snows, and mostly subfreezing temps two weeks ago. You live in the hinterlands of the DMV that tend to get more snow...vs. those of us who live in the southern DMV suburbs, who might as well live in Charleston, SC for the amount of snow we get anymore. But at the end of the day.......
  2. 28 for low here and the fog is shockingly heavy...wondered if someone's getting the freezing variety.
  3. I mean, it's been fully evident to many others here over the years...but in this one statement, I now fully understand how WHACK you are.
  4. Your pictures are consistently breathtaking...TY for sharing here, always.
  5. Thanks for the heads-up...probably would've missed it otherwise!
  6. Can a beer choice be beautiful? Oh...in this case, I think it can. Very jealous. OMG, DFH 120....unbelievably good...and jealous of this, too, as I haven't been able to find it on our parts lately. Please also throw out the Miller Lite...you're doing yourself a favor in the long run. Finally, I personally care more about your sweater choice (which is on point) than your watchface. But I totally understand the classic Superman love...especially in this era of tepid Marvel/DC universe movies.
  7. 81, baby. Need to get my arse out there and doing some sort of exercise...
  8. Not unless you want your mowing deck to be level with the ground, given that your wheels will be half sunk. At least that would be MY experience here on the V side of the DMV.
  9. 80.6/58. Totally down with this wx when I move to Myrtle Beach, anytime of year.
  10. Yeah, in your neck o' the woods....it's gonna be feel/sound like late spring today or tomorrow.
  11. Wow, never heard of Idiom...but looked it up, and what an awesome property. Yet another thing to add to the Frederick day trip agenda in a month or two. This storm was...something else. I know that tens of thousands of other DMV commuters stuck on the Beltway that afternoon endured trips back home 5x-10x their normal length, and they would likely sneer at my experience, but....it took me three hours to traverse the six miles between my Fort Belvoir workplace and home that afternoon. Every major street/artery on post was in near-total gridlock, which was a direct result of the coordinated and disastrous "guidance" from OPM/DoD to "phase-release" employees. Of course, few employees heeded the actual guidance, and most everyone pretty much left all at once in the early-mid afternoon timeframe. Out of the 5-6 gates that were open at Belvoir back then...one seemed to close every 30 minutes or so because of storm conditions, until there was only a couple gates left open by storm's end. You'd creep along in traffic for 30-40 min on, and then the MPs would suddenly turn you around to ANOTHER point of egress...which would end up closing by the time you got within 1/4 mile of it. #WorstCommuteEver
  12. It was a dark and stormy, errr, foggy night. But baby girl is standing guard so we're safe. A couple new "winter" pics...the new normal for late January in NoVA.
  13. 48.3. Rain done, for now. Snow cover is toast, with exception of a few dirty globs in the backyard.
  14. Oh, you're not old/senile, I'm with ya. I could leave those front spotlights out ALL year, and adjust colors accordingly for holidays/seasons. I have no problem with that. I just don't want to trigger my neighbors any more than I usually do...they already get the vapors cuz we put up our Christmas trees in mid-November...
  15. LOL. So, I was just thinking in the past hour..."Maybe I should leave those front spotlights out for February...change over to red/purple..."
  16. Didn't have the heart to put 'em all away on 1/6 this year...kept the "sparkly snowflake" on the front of the house, as well as the spotlights on the front of the house (changing them from red/green to light blue/purple for January) and it made for some great pics with the snow. I'll finally give in and put it all away next weekend. My wife walked our yellow Lab around our neighborhood at midday today and came back astounded at the amount of dog crap left near -- OR ON -- our neighborhood sidewalks. I reminded her (again) of what part of the country we live in -- which explains a lot of this selfish behavior, at least where we live -- and that a lot of folks who have dogs these days enjoy the "having" part...but not the less-enjoyable parts (e.g., cleaning up their sh*t). Honestly...I'd much rather take @dailylurker's remedy to cope these days...except I can't hack the smell of it sometimes.
  17. I mean, the Ravens SHOULD have this...dear God, I hope so. I don't want see TS, nor have to tolerate her no-talent caterwauling, nor have to hear any more B.S. about her and Travis ("Swelce?") anywhere near the Super Bowl...
  18. You inspired me, MP, with your icicle pic from the other day...I'm heading out to scout the icicle situation on our house in the next hour or two and hope to capture some...they've definitely been growing today.
  19. Completely unremarkable photo in terms of composition...but I was trying to capture the (still/mostly!) undisturbed snow cover on neighboring lawns and our cul de sac captured here after this past Monday's storm, shot through our front dogwood that's underlit with wintry purple/blue colors.
  20. That's awesome. We're still holding onto 1-2" snow depth here in the lowlands...but we DO still have it, which is a miracle of sorts for us. Currently at our forecasted high of 28. After an MLK week with snow on the ground most of the week, two full daytime's worth of snow falling, and a decent squall line blowing through last Sunday...this has been one of the most satisfying winter weeks we've had in these parts in awhile.
  21. Seriously. We just exited one snow streamer about 30 min ago, and had a bit of sunset and twilight afterward before full dark...but everything that was wet is flash-freezing. Slid almost the entire way down to the end of the driveway to check the mail a few minutes after taking this one. Please be careful out there tonight, folks, if you have to be out on the roads...
  22. TY...but my post-shoveling pics don't compare to your opportunity to getting out of the hot tub with outside temps in the low TEENS. Enjoy all of that and more!!
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