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Everything posted by vastateofmind

  1. 37 and now we have flurries with intermittent sun. Glad I stayed up half the night to see our slushy .2" on the grass before it all melted at sun-up. Enough of this...onto spring. Hopefully the severe thread opens soon.
  2. 33/29, between .1"-2" on grassy surfaces now but the back edge is coming in fast. Enjoy the rest of it, you late nite trackers.
  3. 34/26, moderate snow for about 30 min now, but only just started sticking to grass, mulch and cars. Think we'll be lucky to get to .25" to .5" -- but hey, snow TV.
  4. Yeah, we tore through six seasons on less than a month. One of my favorite characters on any TV show comes from The Wire: Omar Little. Michael K. Williams is one of the best...and gone too soon.
  5. The Wire will be your saving grace tonight...one of the best TV shows ever. NightSight mode on the Google Pixel is the absolute best.
  6. 39/22. And flakes have been falling for past 15 or so minutes
  7. Figured y'all would head out there. Hope you get some "snow-piled-halfway-up-the-sliding-doors" pics again.
  8. SV = good food, good wine, great choice....and I like your follow-up plan. I only have Evan Williams 1783 on hand...but I think I'll pour a couple fingers of that between 10 and midnight, and see how long my old ass can stay up beyond that to catch some pics of the incoming snow.
  9. Saw that mentioned in a wx disco two days ago. I haven't experienced it here in well over a decade, but here's hoping.
  10. Yeah, current radar is mildly interesting...cold front/clipper moving through? Our Amazon Echo/Alexa speakers (about as accurate as DT) started spouting off within the past hour or two that there was "precipitation" due within the next hour or two. Don't think any of us "lowlanders" see anything, but appears that you north-of-DC folks might see...something. Don't know what form that falls in, though.
  11. Okay, that's legit gold. And not too far off the mark.
  12. A number of mommies from the "Real Housewives" Lamebook group for our subdivision SWEAR by DT's "phenomenal" forecasting skills on his odioius WxRisk site, and recommend to all of the other neighborhood mommies fretting about FCPS calls to delay and/or close schools, to follow DT because of his "good track record."
  13. Next door neighbor gave us this stunning waxed-bulb amaryllis for Christmas. One stalk exploded with four blooms a couple weeks ago...this final stalk is in all its glory right now. Thinking of peeling the wax off the bulb and placing in a pot as it goes dormant. What a gorgeous flower...rivals any lily I've seen.
  14. The original Twister movie is cringey in a good way, and I simply never tire of watching it....probably because it had such a good cast, that redeemed the dumbed-down, melodramatic story stuffed with iffy CGI SFX. The carved-up soda-can propellers attached to the "sensors" stuffed into "Dorothy" which then "light up" the finale twister are just...priceless. Based on all advance reports I've read about the standalone storyline for this summer's sequel, I'm reasonably sure it will be far more cringey...and NOT in a good way. But I'll watch it for free on a streamer at some point for "franchise closure" -- just as I watched the subpar Pacific Rim: Uprising sequel a couple years ago, which (similarly) doesn't compare to the original 2013 Pacific Rim movie directed by the incomparable Guillermo Del Toro. Also...R.I.P. Bill Paxton...can't imagine a Twister movie without him. "Game over, man."
  15. So, just read Season 3 of FX's The Bear is due in June/July timeframe. Time for a catch-up re-binge of the first two seasons.
  16. Down to 37. For past 10 or so minutes, vacillated between moderate snow one minute, then back to rain the next. Mostly light snow now with back edge a few miles to my west and coming in hot...or, uhh, cold.
  17. Someone to knock Kelce on his arse the way he slammed Reid, and ZERO cuts for reaction shots from his girlfriend.
  18. So. For those of you who don't want to partake in this crap SuperBowl matchup (I mean, halftime with Usher and JUST Usher is the only redeeming factor, but then again, we may not be able to rule out an appearance by She-Who-Has-ZERO-Talent-And-Dates-A-Kelce) -- we watched "Suncoast" on Hulu last night, with Nico Parker, Laura Linney and Woody Harrelson. It was quite good. Definitely a movie with a different and very sad vibe...I liken it to "Nomadland" which (I think?), was released on Hulu about this time last year. Highly recommended. Nico Parker is a young lady of significant and unique talent...and I think we'll be seeing her do great things in the years to come. (Those of you who have watched "The Last of Us" on HBO Max will quickly recognize her all-too-brief appearance on that show.)
  19. THIS...is the way. Great choices!
  20. Yeah, @CAPE is the voice of sanity/reason -- in the name of BREVITY -- nearly all of the time, there and in other spots on the sub. And he's got hella good taste in beer...which is the primary reason I follow his posts. THIS....looks like ten tons of fun...camping, hiking, good weather...yeah. Good on you!
  21. Captured sunset two evenings ago while walking the perimeter path at the U.S. Coast Guard's Alexandria post, which abuts our neighborhood. These wetlands are typically a bellwether for when spring is about to kick off, given the tremendous populations of spring peeper frogs that inhabit this realm. And I hate to tell 'ya....we've already heard more than a few peepers waking up and starting their springtime song over the past week or two. Regardless of whatever the diehards are chasing over in the long-term snow thread....I'm thinking that the oversized (and overrated) subterranean rat residing in Punxsutawney, PA made the right call this year.
  22. Oh, I think some of us are definitely getting the bone...south of the Capital beltway. But us lowlanders are used to it, so no stress here....
  23. LOL. And look how calmly those Sapporoans walk and drive in the snow. ON snow-covered roads and sidewalks. If that were here, bitches would be all up, canceling school and closing gov't offices, and all OTHER kinds of shit....
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