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Everything posted by eaglesin2011

  1. Yes.. good trends lately and this storm coming in the way it is may help
  2. Not even going to bother to look at that long range .. Sundays event is looking better though.. I'm starting to believe we may get a 3+ inch storm for the Ric area
  3. Haven't seen any flakes yet in my part of Glen Allen ..Still sitting at 40 degrees but def a little cold breeze starting to move in.. I can't see getting anywhere close to the amounts modeled .. It looks like it's still raining all the way back to Lynchburg VA still
  4. Better for the weekend too from what I read...
  5. If it's back end snow past 5pm then maybe 1.5, but still doubting 3+
  6. Yeah, I would like to be very wrong about this, but I will be surprised if we get an inch in Ric
  7. U just talking about Sunday's storm right? I know the pecip went up with Tomorrow's storm but still fighting the temps
  8. I can understand Hanover but Chesterfield schools already? Sucks when we actually have precip it beats the cold in again... Not expecting much with this one hopefully the weekend or mid next week pops up again ..
  9. Kinda been my thoughts all along .. If the move south has truly ended, there definitely is still time for a push back north. We will see.
  10. Maybe next week will be "the one"? Lol. Btw for you history buffs... What was the last 6+ storm in Ric that didn't also include any measurable mix or sleet?
  11. Any warnings for tomorrows storm yet? I figure somwhere close should have a WWA at least. . Thinking about dusting to an inch here, due to us chasing the temps again.
  12. I'm not looking at any of the models personally until whatever happens with this first front... Maybe nothing will change, but to me it's not worth getting all worked until we are under 48 hours out...Like with most systems around here, allot has to line up almost perfectly to get a big snow storm around here unfortunately.
  13. Hopefully we get some good rates with this first system.. Gonna be chasing the temps again unfortunately.
  14. Let's see what happens with this first system .. Looking a little better & stronger for this area at the moment .. I have a feeling once it clears we will know better what exactly will happen with the weekend system. The trend is definitely southeast right now for the weekend system, but let's wait till the first system clears before we throw in the towel completely...
  15. You all are getting worse then the northern crews, over analyzing these runs days in advance. How about enjoy getting 3 events by the end of the month.. Hell we haven't even got past Thursday's /Fridays event yet
  16. It's definitely an active pattern coming up ..We may not got the big one in any of these but a few shots of snow isn't bad at all considering.
  17. They are right where we want them for this time of the week... The first storm will need to move through first to get a better hold of the weekend storm... We are in a good place so far ...
  18. Back to mostly snow/big Fatties in my part of Glen Allen but prob won't last much longer ...
  19. Yeah, kinda mixing in a bit when it slows down, prob will go back and forth for a little while yet.... Before the real changeover
  20. Yep, mixing here in Glen Allen no real surprise... At least the dusting was nice to look at .. saw a few deer's cut through my back woods . Hopefully a nice set up from the next few storms
  21. https://www.star.nesdis.noaa.gov/GOES/conus_band.php?sat=G16&band=15&length=84&dim=undefined Good water vapor loop here too
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