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Everything posted by eaglesin2011

  1. PROB will see a WWA in most of the RIC area... The sooner it moves in the better for the quick snow accumulaton IMO.. Prob mostly another sleet fest incoming until the rain washes it all away..
  2. looks like we are topping out on our temps.. 65 here now in my part of Glen Allen... A long way to drop...
  3. nam showed about 1-4 inches in the area.. prob mostly on grassy areas
  4. I would have to agree... Mid week next week could be another story...
  5. yep nice little dusting .. looks to be wrapping up in about the next hour west to east from VCU RAM cam ...
  6. eh up to 47 here in my part of Glen Allen with light rain.. prob more time to top out in the next hour or 2 before the drop.. cant see much snow.. who knows even if we will get much ice depending on how fast the precip moves out
  7. Huh? I'm talking about the rain then big drop in temps to a Flash freeze. THE MODLES for this area have yet to really show a chance for much snow for the weekend system. At least so far..
  8. lost power here for about a 1/2 hour here in Glen Allen. Sleet just picked back up also.. Surprised no talk of a flash freeze tonight from the local stations and more pos power outages. cant see any way of how it wont be a rough morning in many spots in the early morning .
  9. Sleet /frz rain ... LOOKS like we are looked into this for at least through the early after hours.. will be interesting to see how far the plain rain makes it
  10. Back to snow and decent rates here in Glen Allen
  11. yep I know... pouring down snow now... more snow has accumulated here in the last 10 mins then we had here all night .. deck finally officially covered.... guess it will flip in the next 10 mins.. ha (hopefully it was just because of the good rates moving in) looks like its still snowing at VCU so that's good https://ramcam.vcu.edu/monroe-park.html
  12. Bigger flakes and steady snow now here in my part of Glen Allen just started to Accumulate again....could be a sign sleet on the way.. ha .. will see..
  13. yeah just walked outside here.. still just the light snow here.. good returns still look to be on the doorstep so we will see soon what happens..
  14. hopefully when these heavier rates hit you that will change it back over again.. if not .. that's not a good sign for the area..
  15. looking like Prescott wont be on the field in the next game to worry about him... owell.. In that dry spot here..haha (really been in the screw you zone all night... still barely a dusting here... next 1/2 hour should really pick up tho... http://www.intellicast.com/Local/WxMap.aspx?latitude=37.67&longitude=-77.5&zoomLevel=8&opacity=1&basemap=0014&layers=0039
  16. Ok looks like its almost game time here.. Last dry spot for awhile about to come through then right after rates should really pick up for a few hours... If everything holds together this will been our main time for accumulating snow for this storm... https://weather.com/weather/radar/interactive/l/23059:4:US?layer=radar
  17. Of course.. but prob could fill half the stadium with Eagles fans in LA.. Looks like its starting to come down good enough to accumulate again here now.. Another dry patch coming in soon tho.. after that should be good for a few hours... Nice rates it looks like right after the dry patch https://weather.com/weather/radar/interactive/l/23059:4:US?layer=radar
  18. yeah.. I can see that by looking at the radar.. The mix line inches even closer at that hour.. Owell.. back to the football game for awhile.. Cant decide if I want the Rams or the Cowgirls to win.. ha
  19. back to light snow here after about 1/1/2 low... radar still not looking great still dry air getting in... https://weather.com/weather/radar/interactive/l/23059:4:US?layer=radar
  20. Sucks we got stuck in this dry air/low ... seeing the radar .. the warm air now coming in from the ocean from the East and the Gulf moister froSm the SW we may of lost our chance to out preform for this storm... http://www.intellicast.com/Local/WxMap.aspx?latitude=37.67&longitude=-77.5&zoomLevel=8&opacity=1&basemap=0014&layers=0039
  21. Really where are you? My deck didn't even get covered in my part of Glen Allen with the first burst.. Still in the low now..... barely a dusting here.. temp here 31.3 My dusting pretty much looks the same as the VCU CAM https://ramcam.vcu.edu/monroe-park.html
  22. We are talking about before the changeover...Could get a few more inches after it changes back over tomorrow ...
  23. sounds about right... depends if we get hit by a good band if we go higher or lower then that
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