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boo radley

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Everything posted by boo radley

  1. Rip wabs power for the rest of the weekend.
  2. Why did greenskeeper weenie this true statement? This thing was violent.
  3. Wow this is starting to look like okachobie hurricane mixed with hewgo
  4. Wow this looks like hurricane Andrew on steroids for Long Island
  5. 817 straight up the fucking Potomac
  6. They just like to shame and be dishonest about it lol.
  7. Gonna suck to waste this in an Atlantic fish storm
  8. Going to be really cool watching many in this sub forum make a run a record highs this week. Monster ridge incoming.
  9. Totally lol. Let the swamp eat this waste
  10. Jk bro, you’re actually aging better than me and I’m in my mid 30s
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