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boo radley

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Everything posted by boo radley

  1. Dang lol only guy in here is out...thanks man good stuff.
  2. Kinda quiet, looks like nasty storm west of Birmingham.
  3. That picture is incredible...having been there once it's astounding to see it like that.
  4. Just stopping in due to interest like Janet, rough weather ahead through weekend....rain appears to roll back in later tonight. Hoping the best for all involved, but this appears to be prolific event for sure.
  5. I hope I'm just ribbing fellas, we know you guys are the elite hockey team in PA. And I'm a Steelers guy so we're all good on that.
  6. hey man, r u on Williams Grove forums at all!! We should have a beer together some time...weather and racing can't beat it lol

  7. Well screwed again lol...we need to move.

  8. what do you think man...is this our time

  9. Hi, I appreciate this sight...thank you for starting it. I have a quick ?....I have a five post maximum and can rarey post obs ever...wondering if that could be lifted.

  10. sounds good...Idk why we can't say that IPT is the land weather forgot..it is! Big whoop, but ya sounds good!

  11. Hey man let me know if ur in any other boards, I really enjoy talking to ya, we should get together for a beer and talk weather if ur free!

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