All it takes is one nice warning event and the year seems that much better. Keeping the faith.... for now. Also looking like decent lapse rates and instability on Wednesday any chance of squalls?
I've enjoyed reading them thoroughly...has me longing for the days the entire screen would go orange for winter storm warnings on the weather channel haha.
That's amazing to read...truly a monster...did you guys lose power at all during it? You probably were in heaven with that snow pack and sleet on top.
Lol and I actually am a nerd enough I watched a documentary on that Florida impact called the 'No name storm' had huge storm surge, came in while people were sleeping.
Kinda dead weather wise so thought it'd be fun to ask forum which snow storms are your favorites or dearest to your memory? For me I have three. One was in March of 2011 I was a rain to snow transition storm that we actually had ongoing flooding during the transition to snow. It thumped the rest of the night snow and ended with close to 11 inches total. My second favorite was Presidents Day 2003...nice powdery snow and had close to 15 inches. My favorite as of now was the March 2017 heavy snow rates I've ever witnessed and measured 18.9 inches even after settling some.
You provide insight and post information no one else can give and a perspective that no one else can as well. I am a fan of you posting and a fan in general of hearing from someone who does what you do for a living so I hope you stay and speak your mind fully. Your opinion on these things in general is the one that truly matters here, so I hope you stay and post whatever you feel!
Lol I can't stand phin, but it's not weather related. I know better than to wander in there, you guys are closer to their weather directly so it makes sense to.
Idk how you guys stand that MA crew, a lot of them are Moody and at points downright condescending to each other but especially to anyone new/outsiders.
That's all good by me, I just hate the single digits and windy stuff. It's winter if I can't deal with 20s at night that's just whining lol. I'd take 12 degree highs if it meant it was snowing heavy...but 12 by itself...mehh.
Love the snow but hate the dry and cold especially windy dry and cold. If it's not going to snow and we have no snow pack I'll gladly take 40s and rain.
My mom is head of HR at hospital in Lewisburg and she said they had emergency operation mode for Mass casualty incident...early photos are awful, cars pinned in between crashed tractor trailers, hoping everyone else involved survived.