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boo radley

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Everything posted by boo radley

  1. Squalls tomorrow looking nasty. Roads might be a mess with temp drops.
  2. Lock it up lsv boys, have a feeling this is in a good spot for you to get high end advisory/low end warning event. Let it stay south until 12z Sunday so it has wiggle room to correct north.
  3. Tuesday looking like windy and a flood threat
  4. 7th looks most interesting, but 4th can still be something as long as expectations aren’t above small event.
  5. Patience is key, by Sunday night it’ll show 1-3”
  6. Agree…but I definitely think there’s reason to at least be interested, heck even a mix event is fun at this point.
  7. Farm show magic incoming. Gentleman, start your PCN!
  8. Jumping on blizzard93 snow train, it’s time.
  9. Next week, snow…book it and take it to the bank.
  10. Merry Christmas, hope a warning event somehow happens in 2024…stay safe and have fun all.
  11. Atomix will forever be a cpa treasure….psu470xyz can take a hike.
  12. Why does it make you so angry to talk about CC? I really don’t get why anger is the response.
  13. And densely populated…crazy how fast this all went haywire.
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