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boo radley

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Everything posted by boo radley

  1. Agreed...I’m a centrist and not liberal or anything(voted Obama then Romney) and vote both parties but they get nauseating at times. I just want normal leadership at this point.
  2. I’ve heard from some people up that way and that matches their observations
  3. Lol nah some big flakes and sleet but only laid a little slushy coating on grass and car nothing more measurable than trace. I’ll take it though.
  4. It is...I’m all for preventative measures but be clear or uniform....if we can only leave to go to hospital just tell us as it sounds like that’s rule for those counties.
  5. Yeah it’s very inconsistent messaging at this point...two weeks is a long time if you didn’t hoard some things.
  6. Isn’t that already in place kinda? Lol all these things sound different but say generally the same things.
  7. We had the same here maybe heavy coating with grass sticking through but melting away since.
  8. It’s okay brother hope you get some white stuff tomorrow and please don’t stop...I’ll get you into severe so you can use your acumen for that too I was a little negative/edgy yesterday but you honestly are appreciated by many here.
  9. I was a little lol even though I acted cool. We have had some nice scores up here in March so thought maybe a miracle few inches of slop.
  10. I want to thank you dude for staying at it and truly hope we all get some flakes Monday especially you. You called potential awhile ago and looks like at least it will snow some.
  11. Lol even in the posted nws statement they said 2 to 4 in highest elevations of northern pa.
  12. NWS State College has mainly rain here so not really buying it.
  13. Yeah rain off and on Monday through literally rest of the week.
  14. Severe thunderstorm warnings in West Central PA.
  15. On the weather side itsrainingtime may be right..each run is coming north.
  16. Higher elevations may get some wet/slushy accumulation for sure.
  17. It’s gon’ rain... just the story of the year.
  18. We should get together for brews but all stand six feet apart and wash hands constantly lol.
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