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boo radley

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Everything posted by boo radley

  1. Thanks dude appreciated....hope everyone here is healthy and all doing well...and hope we all get treated to a December 2020 blizzard.
  2. Sounds like my cousins symptoms kicked up after about 4 to 5 days, heard even walking to bathroom or from couch to bed completely winded him.
  3. Bad day in PA deaths jumped up 78(162 to 240)one day....hopefully it doesn’t go all that much higher. My cousin in Montgomery county(47 pretty healthy dude)has it and isn’t doing too well had to go to hospital so hoping he comes through okay.
  4. People are already edgy...as said in New England thread...right or wrong if people are on lockdown indefinitely through June it’s going to start getting uglier for sure.
  5. 8 so far in Lycoming Co. think we have a couple of testing stations.
  6. Lol yeah we ended up with less than an inch from that bad boy.
  7. Lol you’re fine I’m sure I was bitching and moaning.
  8. Yeah that is definitely a disturbing trend.
  9. So kinda just a change in wording basically? Seems less than impactful...but not a lot they can do really.
  10. Respect that as I dislike destructive cold and things of the like. I’m messed up in the head to where I get bummed out with overcast spoiling storms with lack of instability lol.
  11. So folks under stay at home order counties has it changed anything in how the public acts? Less people out...etc?
  12. Yeah that pic is strange because structures around it are in fairly good shape in comparison. That pic is strange I’ll give you that.
  13. Yeah...not even close to that. Looking like EF 3 type damage but will have to wait for more information.
  14. Sorry just going by local current radio reports around the area that are talking to hospitals.
  15. Yeah... that cc drop was gut punching and appears to still be activity NE of Jonesboro.
  16. Honestly it’s just another thing to sound more serious...you’re still allowed to go to grocery store and pharmacy etc.
  17. Blizz does brighten my mood, even if I know that has next to zero chance of panning out. I look forward to his posts, they cheer me up lol.
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