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boo radley

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Everything posted by boo radley

  1. Lol I was above 90/70 for like 5-6 straight days in June, it’s notable…I don’t get the reflexive hate for weather people bringing up weather topics of importance during a literal weather segment. What else are they going to talk about? Why not warn people spending extra time outside of heat related illness? Just seems silly thing to trash forecasters on imo or even be too worked up about.
  2. It’s been 90/70 plus here every day since Monday….solid one up this way
  3. What’s your channel again man? And take time for yourself, your own well-being is most important.
  4. I was at Knoebels, hit up the wooden coasters and people watched for awhile with the wife.
  5. Amwx is like all snow and mundane shit mainly, there’s a few good severe posters, but I mainly follow on discord and Twitter now
  6. Yup and not even one TW in Oklahoma….no new cells developing either
  7. OKC has nothing forming west of it at all, Matt cappucci saying things are definitely not going as predicted…not b word yet but it’s a possibility.
  8. Looks like one is trying on Connor C.’s stream
  9. Have a double header varsity baseball today in Bloomsburg for my nephew lol
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