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boo radley

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Everything posted by boo radley

  1. Blizzard gonn get the last laugh this season…lalala lock it in.
  2. Im on your team buddy, warning event before end of winter.
  3. I’m sorry voyager.... you are a good guy and I hate you’re in this situation...cannot be easy, but you’re doing right thing.
  4. Will be interesting afternoon in W/N Georgia for sure
  5. Yeah I’m thinking it has a decent TOR down.
  6. These cells are looking nasty, thanks for updates kayman, this threat snuck up on me.
  7. It’ll appear when it’s least expected, and sneak up on most of us.
  8. Also you guys can all have a good laugh at the resident Michigan fan lol. But I’ll bring up 41-17 back just as a warning
  9. Happy new year to all, may it bring you snow and good fortune.
  10. Sorry to hear that man, thinking of you it’s never easy. Had to put my miniature dachshund down in October and it hurts really bad for awhile.
  11. Merry Christmas CPA gang, hope you all have a great and peaceful holiday, and you get the high end warning event we all seek.
  12. Must be like the advisory they issued after 2 inches kf snow and dozens of wrecks yesterday.
  13. I’ve been watching ours it has some water for sure....definitely overachiever for rain too.
  14. At first I doubted it, but with snow melt and heavy rain and how fast it’s dropping it’s gonna be a full blown disaster.
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