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Everything posted by WiseWeather

  1. I will not buy in to whatever the 6z GFS is showing at hour 135. .
  2. Rain event?? Im still digging out from my 19 inches of snow over here in Lenoir! .
  3. https://www.resortcams.com/webcams/app-state-hickory-campus/ .
  4. Wxboone it looks like you are getting hammered. .
  5. You might need to see a doctor if you are seeing floaters. .
  6. If we can get under this band we might be in luck. https://www.resortcams.com/webcams/blowing-rock/ .
  7. This snowstorm sticks out to me for al the wrong reasons so i choose to forget it… i was in 6th grade at the time and in the middle of this snowstorm my friends mom went crazy and shot him and his sister and ran from the cops for 3 days. Tragically he passed away that day so i choose to try to forget that one. .
  8. Grounds getting white. Thinking we may get more than 19 here… maybe the snowblower would have been useful. .
  9. If it just snowed these pepper flakes all day id be happy. Shits beautiful. .
  10. Can someone confirm what this white stuff is??? Its falling from the sky… could it be a airplane filled with cocaine that exploded above? .
  11. I can tell you now… prepare to be disappointed. .
  12. Wasted away again in virgaritaville… searching for my lost 19 inches of snow. Some people claim theres a woman to blame…. But i know…. Its mother natures fault. .
  13. So is there any chance that they phase and the models aren’t picking up on it?? Wishful optimistic thinking here. .
  14. I dont think you even want it to show snow 24 hours out now… the models suck. .
  15. We live in the foothills…. Who needs a snowblower on a gravel road?? .
  16. Im holding onto my 19 virtual inches i had at 0z last Wednesday night and im not letting go. .
  17. If i see a flurry im going to be mad. If i don’t see a flurry im going to be mad. Either way nothing can take away the madness that ive seen unfolding this past week. So im just going to be mad. .
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