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Everything posted by J.Mike

  1. J.Mike


  2. I thought that the Snowmageddon event (both storms) would be the top of my list for a very long time. But I was still working and as a government contractor, I was considered essential and got permission to work from home for 4 days. The problem: the agency's aging servers could not keep up with the VM demands of everyone telecommuting and I lost a lot of work when everything crashed. Very stressful, and it took any joy out of enjoying the wondrous snowscape. But this storm for me is very different. I'm retired, and my calendar is clear for the next couple of days. While my neighbors are digging out thinking they will go to work Monday (and with no snowplow in sight), I'm chillin in a hot bathtub with a cup of my favorite coffee and listening to some quality jazz. Later, I'll venture out with my Canon to take some quality pictures. This storm had everything: a fun-filled 5 days of tracking with moments of high drama (fooking Euro); early start, and for some of us, moments of disappointment (DT, please!) with a 5 hour lull in DC followed by a stunning display of nature's fury. I sit with 2' and a 5 foot drift on my left side that's past the windowsills. It's just glorious, and I can savor the beauty for many, many days.
  3. Scott - thx for the post on Italy. I've sent your posts to my advisors (at Atlantic trust) to see what their take is, and I'll post their response in the thread. We are surely living in interesting times.

  4. A-L-E-X: I'll be taking notes - expect questions!

  5. A-L-E-X: Don't forget that "Through the Wormhole" is on tonight 6/29 10 PM Science channel.

  6. OK - you win.

  7. DT ref deleted - who needs him anyway

  8. You're a smart guy who makes me laugh. Thx.

  9. Dude, you keeping the weight off? 6-Pac abs are hot! LOLZ

    PS - Thx for all you do for AmexWx

  10. Yo - do I have to sit in the back of the bus?

  11. J.Mike

    Weather Side

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