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Everything posted by J.Mike

  1. My gut is telling me this is the official start of winter for our area.
  2. Pesky geese are still hanging around
  3. Aren't we supposed to wait until the slider passes with more GxxDxxx rain to really see what's going on?
  4. Ice on the pond (first time so far). Does that count?
  5. They've brined I95 south of Fredericksburg, afraid of a repeat of 2 years ago.
  6. I'm tired of the bullying Trixie displays on this board. All you admins know exactly what I'm talking about and you do nothing. She trolls the threads to see who she will pick on next. In the Economy thread, here is her unprovoked despicable behavior on display:

    "sitting on your ass"

    "you’re a selfish coward"

    "scurrying like a rat"

    I'm over this shit. DO SOMETHING, if you got the courage.

  7. I'm tired of the bullying Trixie displays on this board. All you admins know exactly what I'm talking about and you do nothing. She trolls the threads to see who she will pick on next. In the Economy thread, here is her unprovoked despicable behavior on display:

    "sitting on your ass"

    "you’re a selfish coward"

    "scurrying like a rat"

    I'm over this shit. DO SOMETHING, if you got the courage.

  8. J.Mike

    Check out the Economy thread and work your magic. Thx.

  9. The Pinecrest, near Annandale. I believe this is just the start of a historic winter.
  10. Thx for reminding me how much the 80s sucked.
  11. Raining very hard at the Starbucks on Columbia Pike near Lake Barcroft. Wow
  12. Google has produced a weather forecasting model using artificial intelligence with better accuracy, faster speed and lower costs, study finds https://www.washingtonpost.com/weather/2023/11/14/weather-forecasting-artificial-intelligence-google/
  13. From the WashPost: how-a-predicted-polar-vortex-disruption-could-spur-winter-s-revenge
  14. Digging out from Snowmageddon. I probably won't see this type of event again in my lifetime.
  15. A nice look out my window. Less than an inch but hopefully a good start to February.
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