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Everything posted by terrapin8100

  1. Moderate snow in New Milford. Roads beginning to accumulate.
  2. Flurries have started in Ossining. Hope everyone to the south enjoys their snow tonight.
  3. Still snowing moderately in Ossining. The mix line has been stalled near the Hudson River but I suspect a changeover is imminent. Nice storm up here for a few hours. 27°
  4. Light snow here in Ossining. I had zero expectations for this storm so anything on the ground is a win. Hopefully it's a taste of things to come for this weekend.
  5. Rain/sleet mix in Ossining. 43°
  6. Getting some small hail with the thunderstorm coming through Ossining.
  7. It really just started to freeze up in the last hour or so. Fortunately the roads seem OK, but the salt trucks are out now. Should be an interesting drive back up to Ossining.
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