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Everything posted by mreaves

  1. What exactly did you say to your wife? lol
  2. I think they ought to do a tram along the Mt. Rd. In Stowe to relieve traffic. Have it run along the bike path up to the mountain.
  3. Did a little riding around this afternoon. As much as yesterday was the winter version of CoC weather, I really like these days that are cloudy with on and off snow flurries and light snow showers. I can’t give this winter an A yet because we were a little light in snow for a while but it’s edging towards it.
  4. There is a lot of snow out there. This at about 2000’ in Groton. Who needs bridge railings I guess.
  5. Really? If you listen to some of the cops there it’s mid winter.
  6. Was thinking the same thing. You couldn’t draw up a nicer winter day.
  7. MPV is -4.1° for the month but I'm sure next week will put a dent in that. What sticks out to me is the constant wind. Look at column 17 below.
  8. Come on down to Barre and I’ll give you a ride around.
  9. Please post its kuchera snow map. I need to get prepared.
  10. Most places in NH have a speed limit of 45 The number of people injured or killed on rental sleds in NH makes me wonder if the governors on the sleds shouldn't be set lower.
  11. New $12-$15K but you can get close to $30K the last I checked.
  12. The SXS with tracks is an entirely different animal and, in my opinion, nowhere near as fun as a snowmobile. Those seem really best suited for working in snowy areas more than pleasure riding. Also, I'm not sure if they are allowed on snowmobile trails in NH, they aren't in VT.
  13. The wind has been relentless. It seems like every snowfall is accompanied by enough wind to make measuring in my elevated snow board a crap shoot.
  14. I had icicles on the south side of my porch roof dripping and my high temp was 17°
  15. Killington to take a break from World Cup as it builds a new chairlift
  16. You’ll be in the Green Mts.so you’ll have plenty of snow.
  17. I’ve been to Mt. Snow quite a bit but he said he was thinking about Stowe. I guess I’m confused?
  18. @Ginx snewxdisrobed looking at that picture.
  19. He has some big broccoli fields around the house so not a lot to block the wind.
  20. And it’s only 100 miles south of Stowe.
  21. My buddy in Presque Isle says he has 5’ in parts of his yard and bare ground in other parts.
  22. When would you normally expect to hit 50%? Are you thinking it should be roughly half way through met winter or half way through the longer "snow season"? I was trying to think about it for my location but I'm definitely not a JSpin numbers type guy.
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