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Everything posted by mreaves

  1. In 2003, the summer before my son was born, I cut 5 strokes of my handicap, went from a 20 to a 15. I practiced and played regularly and worked on stuff. During the summer of 2004, it went back up to an 18. In the ensuing 15 years I have managed to whittle of a stroke here and there and got myself down to a 13. Of course this is almost completely based on playing at my home course. I seem to collapse completely when I play away from home
  2. Yes, we are open for public play. We are located just south of Norwich University and just over the mountain from Sugarbush http://www.northfieldcountryclub.com/
  3. Just tuned in to watch Pebble Beach. Graupel storms moved through earlier. Greens covered and the sunny 15 minutes later. They just called them off the course again.
  4. I’ve had one ace. I think the tees were at 135-140 yards. I wasn’t playing particularly well and this shot was no exception. I skulled it and if the ball hadn’t hit the flag stick and dropped straight down into the hole, who knows how far over the green it would have gone. The best part of the story, because I had been playing so poorly I was using a ball I had found, a lady precept with pink lettering. The boys had a good time with that.
  5. Nice. I wish I had the motivation to practice more. Truthfully though, since I became president of my small, non-profit, member owned course, my golf desire has been slowly squeezed out my soul
  6. We may be the only two that post in this thread lol.
  7. There is usually one in the Sports forum but I'm fine with it here as long as the mods don't mind.
  8. We could afford to rent a bus to drive up and see it.
  9. Stowe having some issues this morning. https://www.mynbc5.com/preview/eyJpZCI6IjAyZTJkMmE3LTBmYTQtNDYxOC04YzBhLWNjOTJkNDUwYjIwOSIsInR5cGUiOiJjb250ZW50IiwidmVyc2lvbiI6IjVhZjZjNzlmLWM1MTMtNDFiOS04ZTJjLTAyY2FkNTJmMGQyYSIsInZlcnNpb25lZCI6dHJ1ZSwidmVyc2lvbl9jcmVhdGVkX2F0IjoiMjAxOS0wMS0yN1QyMjoyNzowNS43MTM0ODNaIn0=/?fbclid=IwAR1Swmxd5La_ukkUeeOmP-eQnBy7L34GIzD9a0Pcg1pebj06st4gSEdkHEI
  10. Ouch. That sucks. I took a big fall like that off my front porch stairs a few weeks ago. Luckily I didn’t break anything but I was sore for several days.
  11. Wow. Really knocking that one gondola car around. I assume they were able to stop and unload the gondola before anyone got into that firehose.
  12. High above beautiful downtown Hardwick!
  13. That makes sense. I never think Stowe is as far up 100 from Waterbury as it actually is. Woodbury gets a lot of snow. It’s 2 ridges over from Stowe. The camp I go to during deer season is on Buffalo Mountain. The view catches a small piece of Mansfield all the way up to Jay Peak. Woodbury also has more lakes and ponds than any other town in the state.
  14. Not sure about the 12” tonight but I was surprised how much snow remained where I was tonight about 15-20 miles northeast of Stowe in Woodbury, VT. Snowed the entire time I was there too.
  15. I don’t ski but I snowmobile and I agree about the clothing. I’m rarely, if ever, cold when I ride. The clothing so much less bulky, your movement is less restricted and it is much more waterproof.
  16. Here is what I worry about going forward. "Ice in November to bear a duck, the rest of the winter will be slush and muck” i know the signals look ok going forward but I am nervous about the rubber band snapping back, hard.
  17. Those E. MA guys are fine sprinters but PF, JSpin etc. are fine marathoners.
  18. Probably the sentiment that has been expressed more times about more things than anything else in the history of AMWX/Eastern
  19. That illustrates the two bands we saw on radar yesterday. That's a pretty good stripe up the eastern side of VT down through western MA and CT.
  20. Apparently some mid level magic made its way to north central VT because have about 24". Pics below. Excuse the Ginx quality tape measure pic. It reads 20" when I took it at 7:00. The deck had been cleared after the last storm as had the other surfaces in the pics, including a large portion of the back yard. The snow was exceptionally light and airy. It was easy to wade through. Still snowing too.
  21. While I was sitting at work in Montpelier watching a nice snowfall with 5”-6” or so by the time I left at 4:30, apparently there was something special happening here at home in Barre Town. I thing there is well over a foot that has fallen and it’s still just puking snow. I will post pics later. When I checked just before I left work, it looked like we were in the northern reaches of that band that stretched into CT, as PF had mentioned earlier. Wow, had expected less than this over a longer time frame. This is a surprise.
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