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Everything posted by mreaves

  1. I know there are always lemons no matter how good a brand may be but you are 100% correct about the customer service aspect. I worked for several years after high school at an appliance and electronics store so I get that and like PF below my washer was just outside the 12 month warranty period so I didn't expect to get a brand new washer but I also didn't expect the big FU I got from their customer service.
  2. **** LG. In fact, double **** LG. I had an LG washer and it blew up. Something came loose during the spin cycle and the drum let loose and blew the back off. It’s amazing nothing in the laundry room got damaged and nobody was in there at the time. They were an awful company to deal with and I finally gave up. I will never have another LG product of any kind in my house.
  3. It’s probably worth having a professional look at it to make sure it’s completely clear. Blocked vent pipes can lead to carbon monoxide issues.
  4. By saying you don’t like someone else who stands up for what they believe in? Whatever happened to “I may not like what you say, but I’ll fight for your right to say it”?
  5. It was a great day for summer activities. I was able to answer quite a few emails, analyze a couple of spreadsheets and attend a meeting. Awesome. I do have tomorrow and Thursday off though.
  6. Did Tip write that first sentence?
  7. MPV came in at -2.3 for June and 7.06” of precip which was good for the 7th wettest on record. BTV as +.2 with 4.99”
  8. Lol. Professionals still follow national code. But permits other than building and occupancy permits in towns are rare. There are land use permits, septic permits and a few others too.
  9. Lol. There are no permit requirements for this type of thing where he lives. There isn’t much more than zoning refs in most towns in VT. The bigger towns in Chittenden County may have some, I know Burlington does but not much elsewhere.
  10. Well thank god we just had a downpour. It had been a little over 24 hours since the last rain. I was afraid we were descending into drought.
  11. Of him floating in the pool?
  12. What are you doing posting this picture?! You’ll make Tip mad!
  13. Flash flood warnings up for Essex county New York and Addison and Rutland counties in Vermont. Got pulled of the golf course after 14 holes. The course I was playing next to Lake Champlain became unplayable.
  14. I’m playing in a golf tournament at Basin Harbor in Vergennes tomorrow. Fun times.
  15. And loud. My parents had one and you barely hear yourself think over it.
  16. I went there with my son that year. Broiled in the sun. We only stayed for a few hours before we headed out. Wasn't any fun in that type of heat
  17. Down here it was on and off drizzle in the morning and overcast all afternoon. Went up to BTV and it was definitely nicer though not what I would call a beauty. Didn’t have to go too far north to get away from wet pavement.
  18. Been a fun Open to watch. Was hoping Rory would come through. Woodland has shown nerves a couple of times but never buckled. Good for him. Koepka put some pressure on him and he held up. Great finish on 18.
  19. My parenting is like my golf game, some days everything seems to go great and I shoot a 79 and sometimes I can’t seem to do anything right and shoot a 97. Most days, it’s somewhere in between.
  20. What about us average to slightly below average at times dads?
  21. From a sledding standpoint, it would be hard to find a better one. Pretty continuous riding for 3 months. I missed an early weekend because we had some rain that froze everything rock solid and then I missed a weekend because of a big storm with lots of wind with big drifts and downed trees/limbs. For that one, I wanted to let the groomers do their thing. I like to ride not dig out a 600lb sled every mile or two. I put on 1500 miles riding only on weekends. We never really went on the weeknight local 30-40 mile loops from the house like we usually do. It was a great season.
  22. I like that the Majors each have a different personality. The Masters is special because its the first of the year and can provide great risk/reward situations. The US Open is hard, sometimes bordering on unfair. I like to see the difficult set-ups that demand such intense focus and concentration. Having said that, the USGA goes overboard at times and can't seem to get out of their own way with some of the decisions they make. The British Open might be my favorite. It requires imagination and creativity. I like the fact that the R&A doesn't trick up the golf course and lets nature take it's course. If conditions allow for a low scoring birdie fest, then so be it. If there are strong winds and rain that make par hard to achieve, well, that's fine too. As for the PGA, to me, it has the least amount of character of the 4. I am glad that it has been moved to May and hope it can really start to develop a personality of it's own.
  23. The whining, complaining thing is one of the reasons I don't like Bubba.
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