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Everything posted by mreaves

  1. Better quality picture since it’s straight digital instead of being compressed for cable or satellite transmission. You live on an area where you could get a good number of stations, I’d still the 3 or 4 I got with rabbit ears ☹️
  2. Lol. Even though yesterday was upper 60’s maybe, several of the underground trains were pretty toasty. I can’t imagine what they were like during those brutal heat days.
  3. My hotel in London the last 2 nights did not have ac nor does the one we are staying at in Cologne have it. Thankfully it’s been bearable. I think the hotel we have in Berlin has it. Was soooooo happy the heatwaves from earlier this summer have broken
  4. Landed in London at 6:30 or 1:30 am back home. Partly cloudy with temps in the 60’s to low 70’s. Did a complete loop around Kensington Gardens and Hyde Park. Good day for a walk.
  5. I’ve only been to Tres Amigos a couple of times but it is pretty good. Happy Anniversary!
  6. Our 2017 GMC Acadia has an alarm that reminds you to check the back seat. It is triggered by opening the rear doors. When you turn the car off it chimes and tells you to look in back.
  7. I think this must be what we have in a couple of sand traps at the golf course I play at. I wasn't sure what they were so we marked those bunkers as free drop areas for a tournament this weekend. Didn't want to chance anyone getting stung.
  8. My 60 degree wedge is 60 yards and in. 56 degree 60-100 yards and 52 degree from 90-110 or so
  9. First day of our club championship today. Was playing ok until the last 3 holes. Doubled 16 when I sliced my drive OB. Almost landed in a top down convertible BMW that was driving by. Hit my tee shot just short of the green on the par 3 17th. Pitched on and had a straight, flat 8 foot putt for par. Missed that and had a 3 footer for bogey. Missed that and had an 10” putt for double, was so pissed at that I slammed the putt hard, hit the flagstick and ricocheted out 2 feet, missed that putt too. Ended taking a 5 putt 7 on a par 3. I was steaming on the 18th tee and promptly sliced two into the trees. Found the second and ended up taking an 8. Being an ass, like I was on 17, never helps your golf game. I guess I won’t have any pressure on me in the second round tomorrow.
  10. I hope that shit eases up some. I leave for London on the 5th and on to Belgium and Germany for vacation. I don’t want or need that crap.
  11. It was cool but expensive. For myself, my wife and our 15 year old son it was $216 round trip. It is one of those things that I'll do once but that's about it. I've been up the auto road before so being able to see the other side of the mountain was nice. I am not an avid hiker so unless I make a life change, I probably won't hike up it and get that experience.
  12. Absolutely fantastic night. 58f already.
  13. Posted the same pic Saturday. We went up the cog railway.
  14. Who are you kidding? You never leave Mansfield from October through April
  15. I missed most of his round We took off for Mt. Washington just before noon and he hadn’t hit the back nine. I listened to quite a bit on satellite radio but missed the really hot stretch. Hoping to catch some tonight. I’m rooting for him. I’ve liked him since hit near miss at Oakmont a couple of years ago.
  16. At the other end of the spectrum is the last patch of snow on Mt.Jefferson in NH. Taken from the cog railroad.
  17. Took a trip on the cog railway to the top of the rock pile today. 65f at the top. Tons of people. We did spot the last patch of snow on Mt Jefferson though.
  18. As much as I’d like to head to a lake or some other refreshingly cool spot, I’ve been laid low by the dreaded summer cold. Having a cold in the summer is so much worse than in the winter. Sore throat, congested chest and sinuses suck but not feeling like getting off the couch and doing anything is the worse. Starting to come out of it so maybe I can salvage part of tomorrow or Sunday.
  19. Rory off to a horrible start +8, tied for 139th
  20. I may stay inside with the shades drawn, all fans blowing and the window AC unit on high.
  21. I think Rahm has a good shot. I think the pressure will be too much for Rory. The sentimental favorite has to be Graeme McDowell. I’ve always liked him and am glad he got into this one in his home town. I think Justin Rose might come through this time though.
  22. It’s Open Championship week. Royal Portrush looks like it will be fun. This may be my favorite major. I love the look and feel of links golf and the fact that it’s on before I go to work means I get to watch more than the others. I love the fact that the R&A doesn’t trick up the courses. If conditions allow for low scoring then so be it. If the field struggles to break par that’s fine too.
  23. I think it was 111 F when I got off the plane in Vegas last August. Not quite the same but pretty damn hot for this NNE boy. We did see 119F in Death Valley later that week.
  24. Lol, “plummet to -20 c”. That writer has really no clue about winter in Maine or NNE in general. That’s a pretty normal night. edi: it is an amazing story.
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