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Everything posted by mreaves

  1. Had 2"-3" overnight, pretty windy though. I'm going to say a final total of somewhere between 8" & 10"
  2. BTV mentions it in their discussion Unfortunately, the magnitude and direction of this jet will likely allow for downsloping along the northern slopes of the Adirondacks and Champlain Valley, with locally lower snowfall totals in these areas.
  3. It is. It happens once or twice a year and is usually good for a few unexpected extra inches. In 2007 we had some sort of lake effect streamer that absolutely pounded us with about 10”. A couple miles either direction had less than half that. We then got an MLK Day sleet bomb that sort of limped is along to the great VDay storm and a string of big snows through most of March. Town meeting day storm, St.Patricks Day storm were all 12”-20” if memory serves me.
  4. That <1” for my area has busted badly already. I think I’m near 2” since 5:00 and it’s still going
  5. See that streamer shooting straight down past where 89 makes a sharp south turn? That’s been over my house. We must have close to 2” more since I snowblowed the driveway between 4:00 and 5:00.
  6. With him it’s like what my says to me a lot, it’s not what you say, it’s how you say it.
  7. 6.5” here at home, enough to have to snowblow the driveway. BTV predicted 3”-4” so we had a little bit of an over performer.
  8. We know at least one coastal who already has
  9. Funny you should ask, I was just coming here to post this.
  10. Wind is starting to pick up. Snow starting to blow off the trees a little.
  11. Same here. I measured 2.5" before I left for work. Roads were atrocious. This sticky, wet stuff is awful to drive in.
  12. I hope. I may need to make my first trip to the County if we don’t hurry up.
  13. SWFEs usually provide nice base building snow. Or rebuilding as the case may be.
  14. I'm actually thinking the snow scoop will leave me a packed layer without machine gunning gravel through my windows.
  15. This is a stunning response to a DIT post. Our little Rev is growing up!
  16. Exactly, that’s why everyone is so down about it.
  17. Welcome, for the weekend at least. I work in downtown Montpelier. Hopefully we get a little snow so you can do some outdoor activities. As PF said, tho use Kuchera maps are generally just for entertainment purposes only.
  18. You might have a couple from VT if they don't pan out farther west. I'm thinking of the open weekend in a couple of weeks.
  19. Thought the same thing when I went out for lunch. Was sleeting/icy drizzle and then changed to snow. Temp was 28°
  20. BTV mets are snow weenies. From this morning's discussion "vertically stacked near the Gulf of Maine. Among the deterministic guidance, quite a spread in snowfall amounts exists therefore it`s still to early to talk totals...however, seeing as it IS January in New England, it feels good to have a potential snowstorm to talk about in the forecast (rejoice!)."
  21. Snow has started here. Feels like I lost more snow this morning than yesterday.
  22. Still some cooler air in the deeper valleys. My brother in law lives in a small valley off the one I-89 runs through and it was 38 on my car thermo when I left there around 4:00. It was 51 up by MPV when I dove past. 42 at the bottom of my hill and 50 when I got home. I always find these type orographic differences fascinating.
  23. The Rush statement said he had been battling it for 3.5 years.
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