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Everything posted by mreaves

  1. I assume places are testing equipment and system capabilities but I know very little about ski area snowmaking policy.
  2. Only got down to an 11° dew here but there is a little snow left in protected areas.
  3. Not as much as Alex but it's a start.
  4. Their retention isn't as good as the east side of the Greens but they do get good snow.
  5. I’m at 1250’. I’m away from upslope zones though. It is starting to stick a little on the grill cover.
  6. Snowing here too. Not quite as hard as this. 33.9°
  7. How worried is Killington about the WC?
  8. We were out at the western edge of the eastern time zone in Ontario and the UP of Michigan back around the solstice. I loved the late sunset. I’m not a particularly early riser so it would work for me.
  9. Had to close windows due to close by skunk discharge. In other news, drought ovah!
  10. I saw that on our local PBS affiliate a few months ago. That was a great piece.
  11. Seems like every year follows a similar playbook for me. I start off thinking it’s dull or not great and then all of a sudden it like a switch is flipped and it’s brilliant.
  12. @dendrite Pawpaws in the news! https://www.sevendaysvt.com/food-drink/the-pawpaw-fruit-thrives-in-burlingtons-intervale-42068962
  13. 32.5° here. Haven’t gotten below 33-34° yet. Seems to cloud up before we get there. Not going to the Maine snowmobile show in Augusta this year. Couldn’t really justify it after such a poor year last year. I’ll miss it.
  14. My son went for a hike on Spruce Mt. in Plainfield today. It tops out just over 3000’. Was snowing there.
  15. That is what I meant. and from the pictures, it looks pretty nice.
  16. One of my goals this summer was to drive up to the top of Whiteface and I never got around to it. Next year.
  17. He has a place at Jay Peak. I assume that’s where it is.
  18. I hope so. I’m in Pittsfield for a wedding. The ceremony is outside at 3:00. Don’t want the bride and groom to be blown away.
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