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Everything posted by mreaves

  1. A couple of years ago we took a vacation in the SW. Flew into Las Vegas and then drove to the Grand Canyon and around parts of the high desert. The climate in the Flagstaff area seemed really nice. The drive from there to Sedona was spectacular. I don't think I could live lower than 6-7000' out there.
  2. Took out the ACs today and washed the windows. We’re on too fall!
  3. I’ve been working from home since mid-March. I’ve basically forgotten what long pants feel like.
  4. Nice. That area of Vermont is almost unknown to many people. Welcome to the board. It’s always good to have more obs in the area. We used to have a regular poster in Corinth but it’s been quite a while since we’ve heard from him. I like the Topsham area. We snowmobile in that area up through Groton and Peacham quite a bit.
  5. This was in Fayston yesterday at about 1900’. It looked much better than my crappy iPhone picture shows.
  6. Welcome Jake. Where in VT do you live? Sounds like the NEK if you had a frost yesterday. I’m in Barre Town and think we touched 38°.
  7. Beautiful day here. Leaves are moving along. This is at about 1900’ in the Waitsfield/Fayston area.
  8. Ha! I was just coming here to post that set of obs. Wish I could have been up to see the flakes fly We touched 38°. Chilly but kept my bedroom window open.
  9. 48°/42° at MPV. 39° at Gallup Mills, in the NEK, already.
  10. I've removed myself from Facebook, which other than this forum is the only social media I ever participated in. I just couldn't take the bs, conspiracy theories and fake news. It was really impacting how I viewed some people I have known for years. People who's generosity and kindness that I had personally experienced have, at times become insufferable. I don't have to manage a businesses FB page anymore so it was time to jettison it. Ginx is right, most people are decent in a personal level but having a keyboard and monitor as a shield from the consequences of your words is not a positive and has lead us down a pretty crappy road.
  11. I haven’t been paying much attention to MLB but I thought the Yankees were supposed to be pretty much a lock to be the AL rep in the WS. What the hell is going on there?
  12. That's pretty much what my teaching pro has told me. Unfortunately, it seems to have had the effect of making me become ultra aware of it and magnifying it.
  13. Nice. I’ve been beyond lost off the tee. I just can’t seem to stop coming over the top and cutting across the ball. My irons have been decent and my pitching/chipping have been good but when you can’t get off the tee, you can’t score.
  14. Maybe one will take care of the other?
  15. I was just about to say that. Almost like a JSpin type spot but with an additional 1300' elevation. Already has a driveway and septic so there is some value. Not that far from Jay, Smuggs or Stowe. Eden is a snow mecca. I have a friend who has a camp up there on the lake.
  16. It'd be cheaper if he just astroturfed the entire yard
  17. I agree and I glossed over all the problems with the draft and only focused on benefits. The idea of mandatory national service as mentioned by Phin is where I would go but we can't even get people to agree on masks so getting something like mandatory service is a looooong shot at best.
  18. Here is a somewhat crazy theory I have. When we got rid of the draft, we did away with a lot of social mixing. Obviously it wasn't 100% as many wealthy people were able to get out of it but it provided many with their first contact with other viewpoints, religions, ethnicities etc. I also realize that it needed to be abolished when it was but I feel there was a side effect. Not to mention that the military has become almost a separate class. I'm sure there are many holes that can be poked in that theory but it's just a thought I had.
  19. Not as classic as the Roy Orbison song and a little bit cheesier but the Loverboy song is my sentimental favorite.
  20. Looks like you're not the only person thinking about changes to the FedEx Cup https://www.golfdigest.com/story/how-to-make-sure-the-fedex-cup-playoffs-is-truly-a-playoff-john-feinstein
  21. https://frontporchforum.com @SkiVt2, try Front Porch Forum. Each town in VT has their own forum and it is generally much better than Facebook or whatever. Not perfect but better.
  22. That might work but match play isn’t always good for tv. Matches can end early etc. Medal play is somewhat reliable time wise. Maybe you could expand the field to 36, give the top 4 a bye and play Thursday as match play, get down to the 16 winners plus the top 4 and then play a 3 day medal play tournament. The top 4 only have to play 3 rounds and the field is smaller.
  23. Radiant floor heating is awesome with tile. That’s what we put in the mud room/laundry room/bathroom addition we did a few years ago. Should have done it in our old bathroom too.
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