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Everything posted by mreaves

  1. I’m surprised too. Write a letter and tell them!
  2. I ended up with around 3” and I didn’t even bother to shovel the end of the driveway. Even the plow pile was fluff.
  3. We’ll have to review the game tape so we can repeat the performance.
  4. 2.25”. Still snowing. 19.9° The snow is pretty powdery.
  5. I have a specific card that I use because they guarantee the best exchange rate.
  6. An inch and a half or so. I sill had just about full coverage so we are back to full white ground.
  7. We are far from the main event but we have a nice, festive feeling going tonight as well.
  8. That image is so clear, you can almost see Ray getting screwed.
  9. It was Schaffer Stadium wasn’t it? That would explain the shitty beer.
  10. I lost more snow yesterday that I did in the deluge last week. Looks like we get a bit of a refresher tonight. My NWS point and click is calling for 2"-4"
  11. I think so. It was the same here. It could have been January 2015
  12. @powderfreakwill have to verify for me but I think January 2014, up here, featured brutal cold interspersed with driving rain.
  13. Amazing!!! What a game winning goal. Great cross pitch pass and he slightly headed it oat the defender. Did you hear the interview afterward? He ended it with "It's will, it's skill. It's fuckin' talent." Legendary.
  14. Both for him. I usually get a bottle of bourbon, something interesting that haven’t seen before. This seemed like too good a deal though as it seems like I’ve paid $30? for one bottle before.
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