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About mreaves

  • Birthday 03/31/1968

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Barre, Vermont

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  1. Didn’t even have to wait until a good threat came along.
  2. I used to be able to say "Because it is late January and I live in Vermont" but sadly that's not always the case anymore. (With certain exceptions along the spine of the Greens)
  3. Luckily, that’s where I’ll be.
  4. Got out in the woods around Worcester and Middlesex to work on some snowmobile bridges. Seemed like 10”-14” on the ground. This was between 800’-1100’. It was more snow otg than I was expecting. I only have around 6” at my house. The river was full of ice too. Normal temps up here are pretty cold. The last couple of years has made us weak.
  5. I'm at the office in Waterbury this morning. It's been somewhat unexpectedly snowy.
  6. I feel gypped, I only got down to -8.6°. It looks like there was a little bit of a breeze through the night. Maybe that was it.
  7. Ummm, septic system issues?
  8. J Spin did some backcountry touring up there last weekend and posted some pics in the NNE thread. He estimated 45”50” otg.
  9. My brother lives in Thomasville, GA, about 30 miles north of Tallahassee. He said it started around 6:00 with big flakes. Sent me this picture around 6:30.
  10. My brother in Thomasville, GA is forecast to get around 3" of snow and sleet.
  11. That should help from a power perspective, right? Or maybe their infrastructure is hardened enough for hurricane preparedness that it should be fine anyway.
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