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Posts posted by katabatic

  1. 0.52" from upslope showers. Windy with temps in the low 40s until about an hour ago when the - gasp - sun made an appearance and temps quickly shot up to near 50. Pretty raw morning with the wind stripping most of the leaves.

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  2. 34.3 this morning with a thick coat of frost on the cars and roofs. Spectacular day today - wish this would stick around for the Autumn Glory festival this weekend but looks like umbrellas will be as ubiquitous as the pumpkins. 

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  3. It's a pinch-me-its-so-beautiful-out kinda day. Looking ahead to the weekend, post fropa, will be interesting to see if we get a few wet snowflakes mixed in with the upslope component. At the very least, it'll get the leaves into peak season in short order (they are already looking awesome but I'd say only about 10-20% there in town).

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  4. 3 hours ago, katabatic said:

    .40" today and like @Wxtrix temps in the 50s with a lingering thick overcast. Sweatshirt and football weather FTW this afternoon! Came back from Richmond earlier today and the leaves in WV heading into Garrett County were just spectacular. 

    edit: nice slug came thru this evening - up to .90”. This is the most in a calendar day in over a month. 


  5. 2 hours ago, MN Transplant said:

    It seems like you’ve just lost contact with the outside unit.  I think for some of these the barometer is in the display until.  What is your power source outside?

    It's solar...and the unit was clean. I'm trying to find a way to reset it...but coming up short. 

  6. 46 this morning. Only got better as the day progressed. Side bar: I needed to go to the Oakland Lowe’s this afternoon and they were replacing the lawn tractors with snow blowers out front. Let’s hope to hell I (all of us) need one this winter. 

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  7. 47.4 - epic sleeping weather. Perfect day for the Farmers Market too. A sign of the changing times was visible tho, the MLP city snowplows went by the house yesterday (twice) ostensibly on a training run. 

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  8. After yesterday's regional excitement (1.22" here, zero damage locally in southern GC fortunately), high so far today has been 69.2 with a stiff W/WNW breeze. A bit early to call it "fall like", but sure feels like it.

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