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Everything posted by katabatic

  1. First WSW of the season issued up in the Brooks Range. Kinda funny it coincides with todays heat. Hey, it’s something…
  2. It's solar...and the unit was clean. I'm trying to find a way to reset it...but coming up short.
  3. I realize this board isn’t an IT HelpDesk but any thoughts on why this has crapped out? I’ve done the usual things (turn on/off etc) or has it just died? It’s about a year old..
  4. 46 this morning. Only got better as the day progressed. Side bar: I needed to go to the Oakland Lowe’s this afternoon and they were replacing the lawn tractors with snow blowers out front. Let’s hope to hell I (all of us) need one this winter.
  5. 47.4 - epic sleeping weather. Perfect day for the Farmers Market too. A sign of the changing times was visible tho, the MLP city snowplows went by the house yesterday (twice) ostensibly on a training run.
  6. After yesterday's regional excitement (1.22" here, zero damage locally in southern GC fortunately), high so far today has been 69.2 with a stiff W/WNW breeze. A bit early to call it "fall like", but sure feels like it.
  7. I was in the Deep Creek storm and my spouse was at work at the lake...intense, but hail was at max marble sized and the wind, while gusty, was sub severe. I am A-OK with that. Looks more like a heavy rain threat out here now (temp is only 66) with some training echoes out west.
  8. Just had an energetic, but far from severe, cell cross MBY. 0.27" in just a few minutes w/T&L. For those hoping for true severe weather, hopefully this doesn't screw things up downstream.
  9. 48.2 for a low - would have been perfect except for the murky sky.
  10. An absolutely spectacular day today - currently 72.8/52.1. 4.60" for the month, slightly below average. Warmest it got in July was 86.0 on the 28th. I moved out here mainly because of the improved winter weather chances (esp. compared to Germantown) since I can work remotely. I gave very little thought about how nice the summers would be; that was a mistake.
  11. Very true - tho yesterday was the first time this summer than DPs stayed above 70 for any length of time here. Early next week looks like a slice of incoming heaven so after we get through this proverbial rat in a snake on the charts, not a thing wrong with that forecast.
  12. 82.7/66.0 out here in the Boonies. DPs hovered in the low 70s all day yesterday; must be better mixing today. Feels warmer than it is.
  13. 66.2/65.3 after 0.80”. Was a beautiful summer day earlier at the Oakland Farmer’s Market with some outstanding local produce for sale. If you’re out here this summer, I highly recommend it.
  14. In very early 2021, I found the Oakland CVS had vaccines available (only place in MD at that time) and fell in love with GC. The pace and quality of life is second to none and when I had the chance to move last year, I went from not having an idea I'd be here...to moved in, in less than a week. The area around Deep Creek is spectacularly expensive so have my eye on Alpine Lake WV across the state line which gives you a similar vibe but at a third of the cost. And of course, the night-and-day snowfall compared to my old stomping grounds in Germantown was the primary driver for the move (something that my spouse still rolls his eyes at) lol. IMBY I ended up with 43" last winter which, for here, is pathetic but as I am a frequent visitor to this Board and felt eeeeeeeveryone's pain, is a lightyear ahead of DC metro.
  15. I'm in Garrett County and this is by far the worst air quality we have had since the fires began impacting our region. Can't really smell smoke per se but the oft-reported chlorine smell (doing wonders for the lungs, I'm sure) is potent.
  16. I've had 1.89" in MLP in the same timeframe...agreed that the agri businesses were really beginning to hurt. Glad you got in on the goods. My husband works at Wisp and he said it was briefly pretty intense this morning. Just wish it was area wide.
  17. 0.75" on the nose this morning. Hoping it continues to make it over the hills in one piece - sending everyone downstream some good juju.
  18. 0.70" as the rain tapers off. This was sorely needed as we have all said. Every drop soaked in and softened the concrete ground. Really hoping folks to the east get in on the goods.
  19. 40 with a shallow layer of fog and the quietness of the morning was pierced by the sound of…the furnace kicking on
  20. Pretty cool (literally and figuratively) night with the strawberry moon.
  21. Even when the weather may seem “boring” (aka spectacular of late), it still fascinates me. IMBY, it was 40.8 degrees at 6 am. At the Garrett County airport which is ~450 feet higher in elevation it was much milder at 54. I’ve lived out here since last fall and the inversions where I am at a slightly lower elevation can be quite strong. It sure made for great sleeping weather!
  22. Spectacular (albeit cool) spring day. Morning low of 37.1, currently 63.8. Looking forward to tomorrow's mid 70s. Bring it!
  23. Pretty good soaking this morning - 0.92" so far. When the sun and warmth come back tomorrow, the final burst of greenup will commence.
  24. Final pic after an impressive snow shower came through. The roads (briefly) caved. Ended up with 3.5” on the car…less elsewhere. Neat event. Damn near the “biggest” all season.
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