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Everything posted by sojitodd

  1. Pretty decent amount of sleet coming down. At least it is not freezing rain and is not sticking to railings, tree limbs, etc.
  2. The sleet/freezing rain has reached to outside West Jefferson in Eastern Madison County-I can hear the little pings.
  3. Absolutely drool worthy. Great looking stuff. Keep the pics coming guys!
  4. Glad for all of you in Indiana and Chicago area(amazing pics!) and really trying not to be too bitter here in Central Ohio-also known as The Land of the Warm Tongue of Death.
  5. I would rather get a triple colonoscopy than deal with freezing rain so I will take less snow as long as it is not any damn ice. I suppose the Thursday storm will screw us all over too. *bad mood intensifies*
  6. Do you think far Western Franklin County and far Eastern Madison County will escape any significant ice?
  7. Okay so NWS Wilmington has put out two maps that were posted on this page and are less than half an hour apart in when they were created...but they are so different? Which one to believe?-do I get 2-3 inches of snow, or 5-6 inches? Issued at 2:22 and 2:43, respectively? This along with the horrible new NWS radar is really putting me off.
  8. I am going to be so pissed if we get any significant freezing rain. Damn. Anything-cold, wind, snow, clouds-anything but ice.
  9. Oh for God's sake. And no to any ice!
  10. Thanks for this. So much better than the NWS thing.
  11. I can't stand it either and I cannot possibly imagine what they were thinking-it is a s#$ts8&w trying to get that to load and work.
  12. So what is the latest? Is Columbus going to get shafted again? It always seem to end up with 71 being the dividing line with storms. At this point I just don't want any ice.
  13. I copied and pasted it right off of the NWS forecast for there. Oklahoma City: I would also be happy with their forecast.
  14. I would be happy for even what Dallas is supposed to get: I hope jbcmh81 is more right than I am on this though.
  15. I have Columbus at 6"-we always seem to never be the jackpot-more to the NW. *edited up to six*
  16. I hope he comes back. I vividly remember the night in March 2008 when got the 20 inches of snow at the airport(the airport being the jackpot spot-never happens but it did that time)and being amazed as the heaviest snow seemed to be going right up what was usually the WTOD Scioto River valley. He was up all night commenting about it and watching just like I was. What an amazing event that was!
  17. About an inch just west of Columbus...snow falling nicely and everything covered very nicely. Beautiful outside! I love it like this-especially since I won't have to drive in it. The snow is looking great on the shrubs- but by morning I will likely have to clean them off-some of them don't take well to heavy snow and all-especially boxwood topiaries.
  18. LOL! Me in a swath of 8 inch plus snow?-will never happen! *Also fun to see storms coming into CA and you can find stuff like this: Ten feet of snow? I would like to experience that sometime!
  19. You don't have a clue about how effective it is so why not just miss us with your guesses? Your "guess" is not worth anything-if they don't have a clue, you certainly don't either and yet you continue to post your completely unsupported "guess". Maybe I can contact a seer or call a psychic hotline to see what they say-it would have as much validity as your "guess".
  20. Well at least it is working against both sides. I got posts deleted, and so did the anti-Covid vaccine guy.
  21. It is one thing to question, as in "I wonder about this" and another to just spout nonsense with no evidence whatsoever that "Vaccine X is dangerous and will mutate your genes!!!" and all. I think everyone would like more info and many may have some skepticism but that is a long way from what some of these posters have been spouting. There is healthy skepticism and then there is unsubstantiated wackiness.
  22. I have never had them before either until this time and I almost always get a flu shot . It was a big surprise but again it only lasted a day or two. But again, it was only a day or two so I feel it was worth it.
  23. I got a flu shot about two weeks ago and the next day I could hardly get out of bed. But it only lasted maybe 36 hours and then I was fine. Very sore joints and fatigue. I have never had a reaction like that with a flu shot before, but it was only a day or two of side effects so it was worth it. And if a Covid-19 vaccine works and has the same side effects, big deal I will get it the first chance I can.
  24. Regarding the Pfizer vaccine hoax and others: (some people watch too much Fox News and even worse, OAN or NewsMax) Vaccine rumours debunked: Microchips, 'altered DNA' and more https://www.bbc.com/news/54893437
  25. Edging ever closer to Louisiana...just sayin'. This storm has apparently killed up to 250 people(251 it appears so far) in Central America(at least half in mudslides) at this time. What does it take for a storm to have it's name retired?
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