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Everything posted by CASH_COOP

  1. Nice. Would be a big win if this verifies
  2. Do you want me to round you 5.3”. Official report will be 5.2 or 5.3
  3. Just a sidenote, any early bird entries feel free to adjust closer to game time if needed and I’ll update
  4. Thanks for everyone who responded. I believe there will be additional members who submit entries so let's get the ball rolling. Send me your predicted snow total for HIA along with predicted qpf (qpf will only be used for tiebreaking purposes). You can submit entries by replying to this or sending me a notification, so I don't miss anyone. Let's use 12:00am tonight as the cutoff. Good luck everybody and may the biggest snow wennie win!
  5. Sterling went 3-6” with lollies of 8” for Frederick and Carroll. Just updated. Think CTP will follow when they pull the trigger
  6. Yeah, CTP gonna have to put some pink on the map soon and extend a tier north. edit. Their current watches in good shape for upgrade to warnings. Advisories a tier or two north
  7. Everything is mostly gone here as well, except areas where it drifted
  8. I was thinking about putting together a snowfall contest for HIA like I’ve done in the past. Guess the official snow amount at airport and use qpf as a tie breaker. If interested in submitting a guess, “like” this post so I can gage if it’s worth putting together.
  9. It was freezing rain out this way. Sidewalk and driveway icy
  10. PNS has Middletown at an even 2.0”. Take a peak
  11. Final here was 4.1” from .36” liquid. 0.9” round 2. High was 26 and blowing and drifting has begun
  12. @Blizzard of 93would you change your screen name to Blizzard 0f 25 if we get a blizzard this year?
  13. Band is forming right along rt30 through me. Flake size has really increased the last 15 min. Hopefully a sign of things to come for with the ULL passage.
  14. That’s my hope. I think blow and drifting might be the bigger story this way with the winds picking up 30-40mph tonight into tomorrow
  15. 7a report M1.8” with .17” liquid 20F Light Snow
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