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Everything posted by OSUmetstud

  1. Let's care about the girl who literally has no power instead of the people who in charge of our govt who could actually be doing something about it. The ones who are dismantling the epa and rolling back pollution standards?
  2. Everyone here knew it was cold in ak. The typical public doesn't give a shit how warm or cold it is there.
  3. You have no idea what each individual does to curb their footprint. You assume that people who care about it do nothing. What are you doing about the things that you've told us you care about more? You getting gangs off the street?
  4. Thank god it's been a bit closer average in the us as of late. Now what about the other 200 or so countries?
  5. Go read Joe b chris Martz and ryan m if you want to hear about every patch of cold on the earth's surface. I mean ****. Congress takes a ton of money from oil and anti agw business interests and they gut the epa and science funding and I never hear a peep from you about any of it. It's always about the big bad media.
  6. The arctic has been warm than normal for years man. This isn't even debatable.
  7. Victoria and vancouver have been relatively snowy too.
  8. Sorry I misread this. Yes I bet it's been snowy there. It's not typically that snowy of a place.
  9. It's the rainiest city in mainland north America I believe.
  10. Ketchikan is in the se rainforest. It's not even that snowy compared to areas further north.
  11. Nah. I knew what you meant. ****ing around.
  12. I think everyone agrees that ak people are tough
  13. It's the worst looking of the three packages. Wants to maintain more toughing in ak.
  14. There was a reduced amount of ridging in ak around day 10 so it looked like less of a weenie look then it did at 12z yesterday.
  15. State of emergency/driving ban was finally lifted an hour ago.
  16. Well I was looking at the RH fields too, I think the max snow would run from NW NJ north into eastern NY. Normal coastal jack of course, too.
  17. I think it's a N NJ special the way it tucks in and looking at the RH fields.
  18. Perhaps. I'm not saying it will last forever. But we went from aleutian/ak ridge with se us ridge and east canada confluence to ak trough and east canada ridge and se us trough.
  19. There was a pattern change...from no pig to pig.
  20. Cool, i'll check it out. Thought it was old...
  21. Negative. That's from Shawshank.
  22. Hope is a dangerous thing. Hope can drive a man insane.
  23. I don't really remember great snow patterns being modeled for the east in the extended range overall, except this one that hasn't worked out around now.
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