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Everything posted by OSUmetstud

  1. Yeah, you're certainly powerless here...
  2. Cuomo doesn't mention them in his state briefings, nor are they include in official NY state numbers. They are found on the NYC health page and listed under probable deaths. The cause of death is considered consistent with COVID, but doesn't have a confirmed test.
  3. NYC separates confirmed and probable COVID deaths. It's not a conspiracy. Plus, there's studies going on that there is a likely a consistent under counting of deaths all over the world for COVID, including the USA.
  4. Public health experts and epidemiologists should be driving a response to a pandemic. It's pretty obvious. Who would you suggest?
  5. Why is this perverse? Aren't those the type of people that should be driving the response?
  6. No you're right. Theres issues with the pcr tests too. Sometimes the virus is deeper so the swab doesn't catch it
  7. These antibody tests due seem like a bit of a fool's errand overall...lots of error and thers no confirmation of what level of antibodies confers immunity. I like numbers so they're fun to look at but hard to use them for any sort of policy.
  8. Bergamo is the hardest hit city in the world. They lost 0.57 percent of their entire population. https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.04.15.20067074v2
  9. This model was posted in the upstate ny forum. Not sure about its accuracy overall. https://covid19-projections.com/ I mean it's not even just people's actions. We don't even have good data on the initial conditions...how many infected...what's the ifr etc.
  10. I've heard ideal is a positive percentage of 3% or less. US is at 12% now , which is clearly better than before with about 200K tests a day, but still missing too much.
  11. I do agree the contract tracing will be difficult. Maybe we can use some of the people unemployed for that? lol idk. I know they discussed the matter here. The provincial govt is suggesting digital contract tracing here (voluntary) through a cell phone app. They mentioned that it would really only be effective through 60 percent compliance. Contact tracing is way more feasible when the numbers are small. When they blow up its basically impossible, which is the case in NY obviously.
  12. They used control measures in 1918. Do you not want to use the things we've learned throughout history to try to give us a fighting chance here?
  13. Economically, fear is going to be tough, I think, regardless of govt regulation people will be less likely to do certain activities than before.
  14. I don't think large crowds are viable for this year, though.
  15. If you do it gradually and you have enough contact tracing infrastructure I don't believe you have to get to herd immunity before a vaccine. As long as you keep the Ro under 1 we should be okay. It will be hard, though. That's why New York State is monitoring the transmission rate.
  16. This an extreme position. It's only advocated by the far right. The whole idea of herd immunity as a solution and exposing people to the virus is insane, and not inline with normal health policy whatsoever. I can't believe being supportive of CDC guidelines and the trends like NYS is doing is somehow an indefensible position. Im getting questioned more than you.
  17. Ive already said what we need to do...the thing that's already being done in this country by state governments and the cdc guidelines. Gradually open, test, trace, isolate, monitor...
  18. Can someone please show me a single ****ing person that has advocated for indefinite lockdowns?
  19. No, they aren't. There's demonstrable undercounting going on worldwide due to the lack of testing early on in the pandemic and we're at 60K confirmed already with plenty to go, and that's just the first wave with lots of restrictions in place to prevent the numbers I stated above.
  20. It's not relevant to this virus at all. You know damn well how deadly it is. I know you're not stupid, man.
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